Sunday, December 27, 2015

I'm Sorry, STEVE Hasn't a Clue. But Yehya Mohamed is FAMOUS! ALLAH be PRAISED!

A very good question is...

WHY THE FUCK DO FAT UGLY LOSERS have to haunt celebrities for SELFIES?

The answer is they have nothing better to do. They also seem to think that being within sniffing distance of a celebrity gives them the sweet smell of success.

"Wow, you got your picture taken next to Barry Cryer! How very fortunate for YOU!"

Does it matter that the celebrities are just being nice? That they would rather put on an insincere smile for five seconds than be dead for eternity?

STEVE, seen in the set of four pix below, was DELIGHTED to collect a shot of himself with EVERY member of the "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" radio show.

Ugly gob of goo. Looks the same in every hideous photo. Always the same angle because he's got no friends and has to extend his arm to take the selfie.

Recently, Kyle Smith of the NY Post wrote a piece about how ridiculous it is to care about what Twitter trolls say. He rightly pointed out that many have less than 30 followers. Even if they come up with something outrageous, like "Why aren't there any white cast members in THE WIZ, this is racist," it doesn't increase their following. They are still anonymous trolls.

Indeed. If Shauna Cuntwell or Barren Cock has a few dozen or a few hundred followers, so what? If this STEVE idiot has a website that a few dozen people visit, does it matter?

Well, it's the inane egotism that's disturbing. These people are wasting bandwidth. They can't curb their egotistic enthusiasm. They are so deluded about their self-worth that it turns from being laughable to being disgusting.

As for STEVE, when he confronts some D-lister leaving a theater, he takes the time that might be spent with some real fan who has something touching or interesting to say.

The celebrity, having put up with STEVE, cries, "Sorry everyone, gotta go." As in, "I was a good sport, as you all saw, and now I can escape." The professional autograph hound and selfie-photo asshole gets served, and everyone else walks away disappointed.

STEVE thinks that being in photos with stars can make him a star?

Don't laugh.

It's a million-to-one shot, but THIS guy is fat and ugly and FAMOUS.

I don't know who the "star" is on the left, but the gruesome gorilla is Yehya Mohamed. Like the French pop singers of the 60's, you pronounce his first name YEH-YEH. Yeah.

This mongoloid can barely speak English. He hardly even knows the names of the celebrities he insists on posing with. All he knows is the person is some kind of a star, so HE wants a picture. The stars, recognizing a retard, and perhaps afraid that this creature might have a knife, indulge his selfie-insanity.

Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel heard about him and decided he was hilarious. Sure, Jimmy laughs AT this Muslim bumbler more than WITH him. But it's ALL good to Yehya.

Kimmel loves to drag this slob out and have him show off his latest selfies, or incoherently babble "reviews" of new movies, mispronouncing the names of the stars. Ha ha.

Being famous by covering Taylor Swift songs? By reviewing shit you bought on Amazon? By showing off selfies with or without celebrities in them? It could happen.

Want MORE of Yehya? Go to GOOTUBE where he's hoisted tedious slide-shows of his ugly face next to celebrity faces. Kimmel's website has a lot of this tripe, too, including the creepy Arab's oh-so-hilarious mangle-minded reviews of all the latest MOVIES.

Hedy Lamarr said it was easy to be sexy: "Just look stupid."

In the 21st Century, it's also easy to be famous: JUST BE STUPID.

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