Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ha, Did you read DIS, Kuntrashians? Scumpetition!

L@@K, if the fucking NY POST headlines it as the top story of the day, then it MUST be so.

Yes, dey had to 'splain it to everyone, since in America not everyone knows who the FUCK these three rich Muslims scumbags are.

They are the spawn of a rich Muslim. You know, one of the "Chosen People" who own everything? The ones who are corrupt, greedy, moneygrubbing, arrogant and want everyone to believe what they believe?

Another Muslim in the news was acquitted of rape because he claimed he "accidentally fell into" a white girl who was sleeping on the couch and hadn't wanted to be date-raped like her friend in the other room. Oh well, you party with a rich Muslim and any whine about rape is not going to be believed.

ANYHOO, this Hadid douchebag is a "colorful" multi-millionaire who got his wife onto a "reality" show, and is now greasing and oiling the machinery to make sure all of his spawn are adored and treated like Saudi royalty. Or better. Saudi royalty tend to just drug and rape people and skip the country. The Hadid bunch plan to be cinders in the public eye for years to come.

I've been trying to ignore one of these Hadid bitches, "GIGI," but her name is already popping up more often than a Paris Hilton pooch in a handbag. Everything she does, everyone she fucks, everything she wears, is vitally important to the London Daily Fail, and therefore, to all of Muslim-dominated Great Britain.

As ISIS likes to say, "First Great Britain, then the world!"

Watch out, Kardashians-Jenners, you've tried everything from endless "look at my fat ass" photos to sex-change to drug-overdose and people just aren't keeping up. This, despite FIVE daughters and two freaky parents and a barrel of monkeys including Kanye and Lemur. NOW it may be time to just step aside before there's some kind of fatwa and you're all machine-gunned so that a Muslim celebrity family can take center stage.

You can be sure the hummus-faced leader of this spoiled, corrupt clan is screaming, "Hadid it! Hadid it! Ha became not only rich but a SEEEEE-LEB-REEEE-TEEEE too! Me and my bitch and my litter of Muzzies! Allah is GOOD!"

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