Thursday, December 31, 2015

Backward Muzzie Morons vs Ghostly Swedish Meatballs

Talk about a melting about superstitious, ignorant moron IMMIGRANTS refusing shelter because of...GHOSTS?


Instead of understanding that some parts of the world are full of savages and maniacs, Tidy Whities are bringing hummus-faced idiots into "civilization" and paying the consequences.

How long will it take before Muslims who believe in GHOSTS to declare ALLAH believes all WHITE people are really ghosts that should be blown to pieces to make sure they stay dead?

As if Sweden is civilized.

Most of Sweden is not even inhabited. It's forests. It's dull stretches of NOTHING. And yet Muslims have come crawling in from halfway around the world. Just to complain that they don't like it. And when Muslims aren't happy, they look in the Koran, read "START USING AUTOMATIC WEAPONS" and start terrorizing everyone.

Well, good luck Sweden. You shitpile.

Sweden is garbage. Sweden is full of inbred subhuman greedheads. Sweden gives nothing to the world. It's been a LONG time since ABBA and Anita Ekberg.

Sweden is where a meatball named Christer guffaws and spends his life on Demonoid giving away music for "nice comments." It's where the spoiled brats of Pirate Bay thumb their noses at the world and make up their prattling "copyright is copywrong" bullshit. Sweden is in the dark most of the time.

SWEDEN deserves what they get. They're gonna get what those assholes in Norway got.

Nobody remembers who Anders Behring Breivik is? He killed 92 of his own white Norwegian idiots because he was angry about Muslim immigration. That's a nut for you. Since Norway is almost as pussified as Sweden, Anders is freely spouting his theories, having three fine meals a day, and enjoying a "prison" that most niggas would consider luxury rentals.

All he did was off 92 people before some Isis maniacs could do it. Norway could get the next 9/11 or 7/7. Or SWEDEN.

Muzzies overpopulate their own crappy country, allow some maniac to become a leader, and instead of fighting for their freedom, they come running to countries that have done very well without ISLAM. The ingrate Muzzies bring their superstitions and religious psycho-babble with them.

Oooh, GHOSTS! Why are they afraid? They make their women walk around in BLACK sheets.

A bunch of crazies from a sandbox that turns their skin brown and their brains to mush decide to travel all the way to SWEDEN to start shivering about GHOSTS. Well, Sweden, you don't give a shit about demands from copyright owners to shut down Pirate Bay. Now you're getting demands from Muslims. Copyright owners have to shrug and accept defeat. Your Muslim immigrants will skewer your fucking eyes and behead your children. And blame it on GHOSTS and ALLAH.

Happy fucking New Year to YOU frozen-white fuckheads. And don't expect help from Ghostbusters. They don't exist. Same as copyright and sanity.

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