Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hollywood's Un-Merry Christmas - Hackers "Ruin the Fun" Ha ha

As John and Yoko would happily sing it, "Piracy is over, IF YOU WANT IT."

But, nobody seems to want it. Not badly enough for laws to be strengthened so that there are no loopholes for Kim Dotcom to still enjoy a million-dollar mansion, or for Kickass and Pirate Bay to give the finger to Sony and NBC and the BBC and everyone else.

Christmas is supposedly the time of year when we happily spend $15 each, to sit in a smelly theater surrounded by obnoxious loudmouths, to watch moronic adventure movies. Come take the entire family. Buy 'em each a rucksack full of popcorn. Wheee.

Only THIS year, Robin Hood and his merry bunch of hackers, stole all the movies. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

Oh, NOW they've done it. Surely justice will kick in against Kickass and the rest. Surely even eBay, who let any monkey in Sri Lanka write, "I own copyright" on Harry Potter books, will be forced to be responsible. Surely, Quentin Tarantino will have a violent reaction to seeing his movie stolen. And James Bond will fight back to prevent the bad guys from ripping him off.

So who's responsible for this? Step up, so everyone can cheer. And copyright holders can continue to shrug and say, "Oh, it's OK, we're still making a decent living."

Yes, Yoko, "Piracy is over IF YOU WANT IT," but while your lawyers might actually pay some Web Sheriff to remove a violation on eBay, there are dozens of musicians, TV stars and writers and publishers who won't even let someone file a DMCA for FREE.

It sends the message that they're doing so well they can't be bothered. Which sends the message that, yes indeed, some people out there are making TOO much money and deserve to be robbed. Just like others deserve to be raped.

As they say in the hood, it's ALL good.

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