Monday, December 7, 2015

Stupid People: "Adele Helps Us Forget The Muslims"

They look cute don't they? Who wouldn't want them coming to America to buy semi-automatic weapons?

The mantra around the world is: "Don't blame an entire religion for the actions of a few."

And let's all see what we could do better...not about blocking immigration or strengthening gun laws...but making sure Muslims are happy and don't mind us unholy infidels being among The REALLY Chosen people.

Funny, the old "Chosen People," the Jews, couldn't emigrate unless they had jobs and were useful. In fact they had to be entertainers and make people laugh and applaud or NO MONEY. They had to excel at being doctors or lawyers or accountants and help Christians make money and keep it or NO MONEY and GET THEE OUT.

But Muslims? Look at this surly duo who are ENTITLED to come in and do as they please, automatically get cushy easy jobs, and have people fearfully leaving them alone to amass weapons and breed. The reward is they proved to be Islamic Cowards who mounted a sneak attack on unarmed people.

Says Hillary Clinton, "I don't use the word Radical Islam, or Radical Muslims, because that would only upset them. What they are, are just Jihadists. We must find ways to work together!" Obama? Not even worth quoting that impotent useless fool.

The mantra from the NRA and Republicans? "The answer is that everybody should be packing heat. Why, if the Muzzies opened fire and everyone was carrying a gun, those Muzzies would only have killed 14 people and wounded another 20 before SOMEBODY was able to pull out a pistol and fire."

Meanwhile, since we're all tired of this Muslim camel shit, the BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG headline of the day is...



Buried in this HUGE BLOB of an article that goes on for another ten paragraphs, which points out how ADELE's new album has sold millions and her smelly "HELLO" song has dominated the charts, is this...

"She's simply not eligible. For the 58th Annual GRAMMY Awards, albums must be released between Oct. 1, 2014 and Sept. 30, 2015."

PS, fat ADELE owns TEN Grammy awards, and can brag that she's "won every category she was nominated for in 2012, 2013 and 2014."

But thanks ADELE (and Kuntrashians) for burying the news about MUSLIMS. No matter what they do...raving in the London Underground, blasting away in Paris, machine-gunning in San Bernardino, a few days later the world turns away and looks to ADELE to put things right.

Yeah, while we say "HELLO" to Muslim murderers coming into the country, we have the wonderful narcotic of listening to Adele bawling "HELLO" over and over. Any time you feel anxious or something by ADELE.

Today's front page of the Daily News? Almost equal coverage of the Grammy Awards! And yes, the paper used the same "armful of awards" photo as most every other paper did today, in answering the thousands of "why isn't Adele nominated" Tweets that turned her plight into front page news.

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