Friday, December 18, 2015

Oh, showing your ass and fucking Bieber -- anything for media attention

The front page of most Internet newspapers tells the story of how brain-dead the public is.

Escaping the reality of ISIS, climate change, new diseases and brutal savagery is understandable...but not if it involves KARDASHIANS and JENNERS. Why in the world do people care?

Jesus Christ, three NON-stories in a row.

Who can keep track of which moronic Kardashian is showing her butt, and which dimwitted Jenner is fucking a monkey? And vice versa?

Yet, if you check the Daily Fail and others, the comment sections are full of genuinely awed retards saying, "Kim is so beautiful" and "Gosh, I hope Khloe gets back with Lamar" and "I wish Kris and Caitlyn wouldn't fight with each other." And on and on. Retards actually care more about these media whores than they do their own families.

Retards spend more hours "Keeping up with the Kardashians" tv crap-fest and the daily idiot news about them, than they do about their husbands, children, relatives, neighbors or pets.

I've reached the stage where I hardly watch ANY fucking TV shows. And the ones I watch I'd be better off NOT watching. Last night, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel had another of those "interviewing morons in the street" segments. The idea is for the reporter to say outrageous lies and note how retards happily believe it.

The question to one 30-something twat: "Did you see last night, the re-union of The Beatles, with John Lennon and George Harrison smiling together, and everything?"

Answer: "Oh yes, that was great to see. The Beatles are great."

Something like that. Ok, the twat was born after John Lennon was murdered, but to NOT know that? Maybe it's not so horrible she didn't know George Harrison was dead, but not knowing Lennon was murdered??

I'll bet if the interviewer said, "Aren't you glad Kourtney and Lamar got back together," the reply would've been an indignant "Hey, you got it wrong! That was Khloe! Khloe was married to Lamar! You're trying to SPOOF me."

Most every Millennial acts lobotomized. Too bad there's no way of injecting live brain cells into some idiot's head.

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