Thursday, December 17, 2015

Muslim Millennials Mutter to Slow-Talkin' Scott Pelley

One of the least riveting things you could do would be to watch Scott Pelley talk to Muslims.

What a fucking waste of time.

But, you see, Muslims have attacked the Boston Marathon, and destroyed the World Trade Center and perpetrated mass murder in sleepy San Bernardino. NONE of these targets were military. ALL of them involved killing innocent apolitical people. And so...the white media has to try and bend over backwards to avoid the logical cry (of Donald Trump and others) to STOP allowing idiotic radical Islam assholes to terrorize the world.

Aww, we're all supposed to be sympathetic to "what it's like" to be Muslim. Forget about the Catholic, the Jew, the Hindu, the Buddhist, or any other religious minority that can and does get shit from the Protestant majority. Let's all mewl about how the Muslims must be justified in committing jihad and fatwa against people running a fucking marathon, or helping retards at a San Bernarino hospital.

Let's all "try to understand" the Muzzies, and look to Scott Pelley to earnestly ask the sympathetic questions. Ah, well, a handful of Muzzies told Pelley they get hassled sometimes, get the skunk-eye, and feel their religion's been "hijacked." That's fine. In that case, don't restrict immigration, don't check Muzzies on planes, and just shrug every time a few of them make all hell break loose.

Oh. You ask, who the fuck is Scott Pelley? He's the dreary, slow-talking and insipid CBS anchorman for the evening news. At one time there was Walter Cronkite. Then Dan Rather. Now, we've got a dull old brain-dead bore. That's Pelley.

What the fuck is he doing interviewing these Muslims? Well, the Muslims aren't coming to HIM. The world is not blind to the obvious, which is that Muslims show almost NO outrage or interest when ISIS attacks white people. So guys like Pelley go seek out Muslims and try to find a few who might say something nice about America.

He'll also ask questions to make these people seem sympathetic...even though you've never seen them standing in front of a mosque or TV cameras or a trial holding signs saying "We support our country and we hope the terrorist gets the gas chamber."

So what could this fabulous five say? The usual. Exactly what Dubya said. Islam is a "fine, fine religion" and it's been "hijacked."

Except no other religion has such bloodthirsty and crazed hijackers.

The worst fanatics you can find, outside of Islam, are Orthodox Jews who throw chickens around and are about as intolerant, stubborn and clannish as the Amish. They aren't killing people. Muslims are.

The fact is, nobody's "hijacked" a fine religion. Religion isn't "fine" it's stupid. People who believe in it are gullible lunatics. They have no proof of any kind of god by any name, but insist on dressing in ridiculous outfits, having absurd rituals, only marrying like-minded loonies, and...can end up spawning a terrorist who is then excused as simply being "radicalized."

The crazier the religion the more ridiculous the outfit. Think about that. The burqa is one extreme, the Jew in a beanie is the other.

Yeah. You can "radicalize" a feeble-minded moron who is susceptible to religious belief in a scientific age.

Science, folks. Do these armpit-bearded hummus-faced hypocritical white-girl raping ISIS jackasses EVER watch science shows? Do they see astronomers showing pictures of a vast EMPTY galaxy? Do they see photos taken of Earth that show NO angels in the clouds? Religion is based on days when people thought the Earth was flat. It was promulgated by people who never saw a picture that showed how fucking insignificant and un-viewable people are from a a few miles in space.

There are no angels in the clouds. There's no giant bearded god in the sky. There are BILLIONS on the planet so how the fuck does "the one god" listen to every member of the cult and choose who gets life or death or a championship boxing belt?

"Imagine no religion." That simple.

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