Saturday, January 28, 2017

Fuck Le French Pussy and Das German Asshole

Know what? Paraphrasing Randy Newman lyrics, Trump "may be a fool, but he's OUR fool, and if they think they're better than him, THEY'RE WRONG."

Who's wrong? That ridiculous French pussy HOLLANDE, and the dumb German asshole MERKEL.

Hollande? Doesn't that dumb baguette remember what happened in a French nightclub? Muzzies came in and slaughtered everyone with machine guns.

Turd-face Merkel? She STILL doesn't care that German culture and heritage (which was well known and appreciated before Hitler) is being sabotaged by arrogant ingrate pricks who won't speak the language, walk around cloaked, and have gone into stores and murdered everyone?

The pee-ewww EU has done nothing except let psycho Muzzies walk all over them. What do they bring? Their crazed religious fanaticism, and their sense of entitlement. They dictate what the home country should give them FREE, how the home country should behave (NO CARTOONS OF THE GREAT MOHAMMAD OR YOU DIE) and want to bring everyone back to the stone age of stoning homosexuals and hypocritically keeping women cloaked when they aren't being abused and beaten and raped.

Yeah, sure, there are "thousands upon thousands" of lovely immigrants. Tell that to the families who have loved ones shot to pieces. Tell that to others who live in perpetual fear of another 9/11 catastrophe caused by selfish stupid backward jackasses.

You know, America has been known as the kindly country with the twat in the harbor: "Bring us your garbage...bring us your dirty, filthy, stupid immigrant dross..."

What's it gotten America? Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Kruschev said "We'll bury you." Countries that slopped up all the millions and millions in foreign aid turned around and said "FUCK OFF." You know that deal: "give the corrupt leaders MONEY, and drop bags of rice for the poor, but if you come in here trying to vaccinate or educate our monkeys, we'll KILL every unarmed sap who comes near us."

Maybe it IS time for America to be feared. It's worked for Putin, hasn't it? Nobody fucks with the sleepy giant bear, Red China, do they? Yet idiots are more than willing to burn the American flag, and the worst cretins are more than happy to muscle their way through airports with a surly bottom lip jutting out, declaring they expect welfare and housing. They come crawling up from Central and South America and Mexico. "Americans, you obese Honey Boo-Boo breeders and Kardashians, you owe US a living!"

So now there's red-faced hooligan Trump, Tweeting like a 6 year-old, insulting anyone and everyone, screaming "Liar liar" at people telling the truth, and...yeah...saying "We don't need more immigrants in this country." Which IS a fair and accurate statement, when you consider how many blacks and Latinos are on welfare and rioting because they have nothing better to do. Put THEM to work, before you create more colonies of Syrians or Somali lunatics.

How's French and German tourism these days? Who the FUCK wants to go to those countries when you could be blown up at the airport or shot down in a shop while buying a pastry? WHO the FUCK wants to walk around Paris expecting to see guys like Gainsbourg and women like Bardot, and instead nothing but angry Muslim faces?

Europe is crap. The EU is crap. All they've got is tourism and culture and they're fucking it up for what? For the dregs of the Syrian gutter? Sapristi, Hollande. Merde, Merkel.

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