Friday, January 20, 2017

Health Insurance -- Do we mean YOU, Whitey?

Well, well, here's a company that wants to sign up people...not White people.

That's an actual brochure they sent through the mail.

Their idea of the average person who should get low cost health care is...ASIAN...LATINO...or BLACK.

They figure IF you're White, you have two options. Self-employed, you should pay $400 or $600 a month if you're a drone working for GOOGLE or some other company, they pay the premium for you. So fuck off if you think you should get the kind of deal they give to ASIANS, LATINOS or BLACKS. (Or other immigrants OF COLOR).

Any good deal should go to a MINORITY.

The envelope mentioned that inside was "IMPORTANT PLAN INFORMATION," and repeated it in, yes, Spanish and Chinese. The only reason ENGLISH was even first, was that Blacks don't speak Spanish or Chinese, and they are much more violent about their RIGHTS. And what IS that set of heiroglyphs just below the Spanish and Chinese translations of what's inside the envelope? Is that Russian? Greek? Some country Trump wants to make deals with?

Talk about feeling like a stranger in your own country. More and more, the photos used in ads are bound to depict anyone BUT the "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants" who landed on Plymouth Rock all those centuries ago. More and more, documents you get are duplicated in other languages, as if America does NOT have an official language called ENGLISH. Call up any business that has an automatic message, and you're likely to waste some valuable time waiting to be told that you can press 2 "para Espanol." FUCKO THE JERKO TO LAZY-O TO SPEAK-O THE FUCKING LINGO, ok?

To say something nice about the Muzzies, they do speak English. While they shout ALLAH AKBAR when they mow down 50 white people, in their day to day churlish and sour interaction with people from the host country, they DO know how to HABLA INGLES.

It seems like the brochure's photos are a bit EXCLUSIONARY, aren't they? They discriminate against a specific group, don't they?

That's America, for you, and it's no surprise that angry Whites had JUST enough of a majority to put Trump in office. It wasn't just racists and xenophobes, it was simply people who are indignant that foreigners won't speak the language and expect to get a better deal than anyone else.

Are there any nations in Europe or Asia that are so fucking obliging to immigrants? Can you name any other proud nation that genuflects to arrogant self-entitled swine who refuse to speak the host country's language? I doubt if even Twat Merkel encourages German businesses to have bi-lingual phone support in Arabic, or that every government document bulges because duplicate pages have to be written in another two or three languages.

Trump's slogan about making America great again, was most definitely saying to White people, "You need a wall, you need a stop to rampant immigration, and you don't need the insult of opening mail that is in different languages than yours and feature people who are anything BUT White." People think the election was unhealthy. So is a brochure that is reverse racist.

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