Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mexicans and Muzzies can Kiss Rump - President's Rump

Yes, taking some time off from stocking his cabinet with hacks, psychos, relatives, villains, and arch-conservatives that would make the Ayatollah look like a moderate, President Rump has begun kicking Mexican and Muslim ass.

He insists the famous WALL will go under construction "within months." AND...

...he's writing a big FUCK and OFF to all the immigrants who want to come here and machine-gun fags, blow up medical clinics, and toss bombs into parades.

Yes, it's a shame that some needy people will be denied asylum, but hell, Rump is busy seeing how many needy Americans he can make sure are denied health care, and die.

He has to make sure his fat cat pals can build oil pipelines that will leak all over the place and help pollute the air.

He has to try and over-populate the country with more redneck losers by making it difficult to get an abortion anywhere, and most certainly get one without paying a fortune for it.

The inconvenient truth is that both the Libtards and the Rednecks are idiots, and there are very few politicians who take the best from both sides and create a happy medium. That's how we get the psycho logic of conservatives demanding the death penalty, but mewling that every sperm is sacred. Or, let's be cheap and pay cash under the table for illegals to be nannies and gardeners, but, heh heh, officially let's ban anyone "of color" from entering the country. Or...let's deny gay rights and refuse to let some transgender ugly dickless idiot use the ladies room while being a conservative politician who haunts toilets for gay sex when wifey is out of town.

Building a wall? Rump still hasn't explained how the Mexicans will pay for it. Does he mean that they'll pay for it because he's scuttling NAFTA and he's taking business out of Mexico and putting a high tariff on Mexican imports?

And how will this wall work? Will it be impervious to dynamite? Will it cover the ENTIRE border including rivers and lakes and mountainous terrain? And won't Mexicans still be cramming themselves into vans and trucks and sneaking right through the gates because bored boarder patrol assholes figure, "Yeah, truckload of pigs in those crates, going to be slaughtered for pork for Beverly Hills housewives..."

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