Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Say Something Nice About Trump: He Would NOT Have Pardoned Womanning the Traitor

Some say that Womanning, the Wikileaks weirdo, deserved a pardon.

After all, the poor dear is now a poor defenseless she-male, dickless and dire, waning and wan, and wasting away in solitary, without even a way of jerking off.

They also point to "patriots" like Daniel Ellsberg, or the mysterious "Deep Throat" (of the Nixon Watergate case) as examples of whistleblowers who did a good thing by exposing government corruption.

Big difference. THOSE people did NOT work for a pig rapist scumbag named Assange. They didn't do it FOR MONEY, or for a PRICK who MAKES HIS LIVING by being a provocateur Internet bully.

But O'Bambam, helping to make some people say "Good riddance," just pardoned Womanning.

Why not. Let's have 50 MILLION fucking people say "Democrats are...LIBTARDS..."

One reason people didn't vote for Clinton was for this precise reason: they didn't want wimpy, sappy Liberal bullshit anymore. You do the crime, you do the time. It's one thing to pardon some pot heads, it's another to set free someone who became famous for being a traitor.

There's a very shaky shadowy line between revolutionaries (say, the Swamp Fox of the American Revolution) and provocateurs and imposters (like Assange the Asswipe). It's the shadowy line between Robin Hood and Kim Dotcom.

Yes, there are times when you can and should take the law into your own hands. You do it beyond "civil disobedience," too. You CAN literally take from the rich and give to the poor. But you better have a damn good alibi. You better not be putting what you took from the rich into your own fucking pocket and shrugging, "well, SOME of it goes to the poor, but I need to take out living expenses, and er, I'm tipping myself for my valuable time."

Womanning's excuse, in trying to get that "Get out of Jail" card isn't that Assange is a hero, or that He/She did something patriotic:

"Manning accepted responsibility for leaking the material to WikiLeaks to raise public awareness about the effects of war on civilians, and has said she was confronting gender dysphoria at the time of the leaks while deployed in Iraq."

Sure, that's a good excuse for putting other soldiers at risk, and making America look stupid. Do you think Putin and Russia would've had second thoughts about hacking the election and spoiling Hillary Clinton's bid for the Presidency, if they thought that Obama and Americans weren't SOFT on Internet crime?

"Manning has served a paltry six years of that 35-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and will sashay out as a famous woman, making millions of dollars via speaking engagements. Who knows, she may journey to that Banana Republic sanctuary Assange is living in, and give him Freeeee Blowwww Jobs.

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