Saturday, January 28, 2017



According to China, there's not enough FUCKING CHINESE.

So...they've upped the maximum, and now expect couples to have at least TWO children instead of one.

It seems that in spite of themselves, the Chinese have gone below "zero population growth." This is a BAD thing.

As the article points out:

"China faces a turning point over the next 15 years, particularly between 2021 and 2030. The aging of the population will accelerate, increasing pressure on social security and public services. At the same time, the working-age population will shrink, damaging economic growth and reducing the tax income required to support the elderly.

The report predicted that a quarter of China's population will be over 60 in 2030, compared with about 16 percent in 2015."

This echoes the problem in other countries, even the USA. Every year there's the threat to cut or do away with social security. There's an increasing prospect of old people living in sub-standard hospices till they die of malnutrition or neglect. The solution in the USA is to scream "More immigrants!" cheer wildly for redneck Christian families that have spawned a dozen children. MORE OF THAT! One way to become famous in America is to get into the papers for having a huge family. Then go on GOFUNDME.

Funny, the Chinese are not saying, "Bring some Syrians over. Let's have Somalis."

Nope, they want PURE CHINESE.

Anyone calling them RACISTS?

They could have quite a supply of cheap labor, couldn't they, if they opened the borders to starving Muslims. They won't.

They like the idea that in China, you find CHINESE. The same yellowy-complexion, the same slanty eyes, the same round faces, the same Moe haircuts on the men. Unlike Japan or South Korea, nobody in China is saying "let me have plastic surgery on my eyes." They won't want to look like Westerners. They want to look CHINESE. They also don't seem to give that much of a shit about American pop music or rap.

WHAT has caused the slowed birth rate in China and elsewhere? How about the END OF THE FUCKING WORLD?

As Randy Newman sang it, "If you paid attention, you'd be worried too." But if you only babble in Spanish, or you're some psycho Muslim who thinks Allah is on your side, you keep right on poppin' 'em outta that slack, dripping peculiar-smelling twat.

In America, the white race, and now even the black race, have slowed down in the baby-making derby. They see a future where everyone speaks Spanish, the culture is dominated by religious fanatics, and most of the year it's hot as hell. Oh yes...and they can't earn a living. Raising children is damn difficult unless you have a nanny. Or two. And what kind of kid can you raise now, thanks to the Internet? Some cynical self-centered monster.

Old age IS a bummer, man. What happens when the demographic gets older? More contempt and impatience, that's all. Why would a 30-something Latino give a shit about some 80 year-old Jew? Is it a big surprise that there have been "avenging angels" in nursing homes, killing off the elderly? That if an elderly person manages to survive and live in a changing neighborhood, that person gets robbed, even raped, and maybe even murdered? People can hardly stand old people of their own kind.

The Chinese have always venerated aged people, and respected their wisdom. wouldn't be a surprise if the leaders put into law a certain amount of euthanasia. Asian euthanasia. "Old person with no living relatives...will be made to stop living. So sorry."

How strange that when overpopulation is a very serious problem, especially with pollution, urban sprawl, and not enough land for farming and not enough decent oceans for fish...the big concern in China is makin' babies. Hell, they're taking this almost as seriously as makin' sneakers and Apple computers.

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