Tuesday, January 24, 2017

O'Bummer Gives Palesteeeeenians a Fortune before he's Rumped

Oh yeah, let's not forget that O'Bummer wasn't perfect.

He proved it in his last days in office. He sat on his ass and didn't get a replacement for a long-dead Supreme Court judge (which could save abortions in America from Donald Rump's asshole conservativsm). Nope. But he DID commute the sentence for traitor Chelsea Wo-manning, and he DID make sure to send over 200 MILLION BUCKS to a bunch of psycho monkeys who worship terrorism.

Yes, the Palesteeeeeeenians, who happily harbor terrorist organizations.

As Desi Arnaz used to say, "'Splain dat, Luceeee."

Explain why it was so fucking important to give the Palesteeeeeenians 200 MILLION for their war against Israel and their terrorism and their shit-faced politics, and only a fraction of that, 6 MILLION to climate change programs.

Meanwhile, President Rump is happily destroying the planet by denying climate change, and aside from being pro-Israel, is doing just about everything possible to destroy America and the planet.

Every fucking day he appoints more and more blatant bastards to high office. The list is endless. The head of the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY is a conservative prick who sued the EPA over and over and wants it put out of business. Now, it'll become an empty shell sucking tax-payer money and doing nothing.

The Secretary of State? An Exxon executive fat cat. And on and on.

Without a whimper from the toothless Democrats, who lost control of the Senate, President Rump is gutting the health care programs, tossing poor people off benefits, and signing legislation that could make abortion almost impossible. Ask a woman who has had an abortion — it wasn't pleasant. Next time she might go on the pill, or insist her 20 or 30 sex partners use condoms. The uncomfortable truth is there are too many idiots on the planet as it is, and they are polluting everything, consuming the resources, cutting down the forests, and destroying the planet. We need LESS PEOPLE.

Oh yes, President Rump will make it much easier to get guns.

What happens the next time some WHITE jackass blows away 20 children in a school? I bet The Donald will keep his mouth shut and keep his orange face hidden for a few days. Screaming about "Crooked Hillary" or "Alec Baldwin, NOT FUNNY" is one thing. Explaining to the world why it's easy for any psycho to get a gun...suddenly that mouth closes like a clam shell.

As to President Rump's loudmouth boasts of building a wall and making Mexico pay for it? Not a peep. Or keeping the Muzzies from flooding into America? Not a peep. Or deporting any useless immigrant pricks the way even Italy does? Not a peep. He pandered to the stupidest of blacks by insisting he CARED about the violence in Chicago. Any allocation of more cops or more money to fight the crime there? NOT A PEEP.

And so it is, that the stupidest people in America (from Kentucky to Florida and back) are now swaggering around shooting off their guns, openly calling blacks "gorillas" and "apes," and becoming more and more obese and wasteful because the President thinks climate change is a hoax and a healthy diet is ridiculous.

What do you suppose his trophy wife-whore is going to do as First Lady? Promote health eating as the last First Lady did? Or just mince around looking like the Eurotrash bitch she is?

Meanwhile even the great "Saturday Night Live," is caving. SNL was where Alec Baldwin launched a completely distorted mimicry of Rump (Rump's mouth does not look like a gaping pig's vagina). Yet now, SNL suspended one of their writers for TWEETING. She's not allowed to speak her mind on her own fucking TWATTER account? Not when she dared to suggest that Rump's third obnoxious son, bratty little Barron, might become a "homeschooled shooter."

No free speech in Amerika these days. Just RUMP bellowing his bellicose bullshit and signing laws that might bring back the Salem witch trials.

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