Monday, January 16, 2017

We don't call it FARCEBOOK for nothing

Suckerberg has made some changes at FARCEBOOK, using technology to make sure his ADS can't be DEFEATED.

Most everyone on FARCEBOOK has noticed that they're b-a-a-a-a-ck, the annoying SPONSORED pieces of SHIT that made Suckerberg such a rich bastard boy.

One of the latest SPONSORED ads that everyone should want to see?

For FUCKS Sake...Billionaire Orange-Face Wacko-Hair is bribing people to turn out for his inauguration.

He wants the crowd to be huuuuuuuuge, so he's paying FARCEBOOK to run ads about how people will get SOUVENIRS (sell 'em on EBAY) if they come.

Right, you redneck morons, get in the pick-up truck, drive up to Washington D.C., and get yer little dinky shit...thousands upon thousands of pieces of useless paper YOU think will be VALUABLE some day. Clog up Washington D.C. so that Rump can tell the world how much everyone LOVES him. How much they LOVE assholes like Three Doors Down, Jackie Evancho and Toby Keith, who actually will provide the "entertainment."

The rich get richer, whether it's RUMP or SUCKERBERG or the Google scumbags. They always find a way to defeat any program that blocks ads or offers a low-paying alternative to what THEY are selling.

I'll include APPLE-CRAPPLE in that last category, as their stinky Sierra OS made sure that anyone who DARED use a LOGITECH mouse and keyboard discovered it wasn't working anymore. They had to rush out to the APPLE store, elbow Horst out of the way, and BUY THE EXPENSIVE STUFF.

Rump claimed he was going to "drain the swamp" of parasites, leeches and corrupt bureaucrats.

So far, all he's done is fill his cabinet and every government post with millionaire fat-cat incompetents. The EXXON prick as Secretary of State?? Really?? Why not Manson to oversee the prisons? How about the KKK's David Duke to take over the NAACP? And yes, idiotic Ben Carson with no experience whatsoever in "urban development," overseeing what goes on. Oh yes, and hire your son-in-law:

You can bet that Rump's rednecks are awful confused. It's one thing to be pro-Israel, because JESUS lived there, and if you want to visit where JESUS walked, you damn well don't want Muslims telling you to move your heathen pimply drunken ass outta there.

But a Jewish son-in-law? Ewww! Rump might have to remind them that the conservative prick Breitbart was also a Jew. Breitbart is dead now, but his website is alive and his acolytes are happily harassing blacks, and smugly making money giving speeches and calling themselves "the most hated villains" in the country.

And...oh, who the fuck cares. We're supposed to find all of this "entertaining."

Lord (the Jesus one, not the Allah one), give us the strength to forget about what we can't do anything about it.

Lord (President Rump) let's hope that when we need it, we have the AFFORDABLE health care to keep us going so we can endure more days of agony and despair.

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