Thursday, January 19, 2017

Miguel - As Homely as His Dad "I Will Remember" not so much

So, Miguel Ferrer died.


I've heard of Jose Ferrer. But there was also Mel Ferrer. This guy Miguel...the photo in the obit had him looking like Jose. Could this be his son?

Sure enough, nepotism in Hollywood being what it is, MIGUEL indeed, got work because of who his Father AND Mother were.

Not that he got A LOT of work because I don't recall EVER seeing him in anything (except the obit).

This is one of those examples where the kid COULD have looked like his more attractive mother, but didn't.

THIS COUPLE...Rosemary Clooney and Jose Ferrer (who eventually divorced)

Spawned THIS:


You can never be sure what you'll inherit, or from where. I assume one of the grandparents had the gorilla nose.

Not to speak ill of the dead. It's just interesting to look at the spawn of famous people and see if they inherited looks or talent from one or the other. Sometimes it's a good thing if they don't. Carrie Fisher looked NOTHING like Debbie Reynolds or Eddie Fisher. Jamie Lee Curtis also looks pretty different from Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis. Then you have Sean Lennon with some Yoko in there and Julian Lennon being more of John. And now back to THIS guy, who at least used his famous name and his father's features to make for SOME kind of career.

The obit said he played mostly villains, and he starred in a music video. Jeez, when your appearance in a MUSIC VIDEO is a highlight of your obit, you are NOT much.

He was in some sludgy piece of shit from the God-awful TOTO. It was called 'I Will Remember,' and at the risk of being both snide and obvious, "I DON'T REMEMBER." Not at all. Never saw the video, never even heard the song. Then again, Toto's lame sound-alike bits of Moody Goo all sound so much alike. Christ, that dopey "Africa" song was enough.

This was one of those "story" videos, I guess. Miguel played somebody doing something or other while Toto sang their horrible song with the CSN yammer-harmonies. Zzzzzzz. A rock video either has the actual band playing, or has some slut stripping off her clothes, or...NOBODY CARES ABOUT IT.

We all know Rosemary Clooney is the AUNTIE to George Clooney. So that made Miguel a cousin to George. As you can see, George is just fucking THRILLED by that.

Too bad this Miguel died young. We say YOUNG when it's somebody who is 61, as opposed to 71 or 81. 61 is the new 51, since quite a lot of people 61 look 51, if they take care of themselves, which Miguel obviously didn't.

I suppose Jose lived long enough to say, "Gosh, Miguel looks JUST LIKE ME." And Rosemary lived long enough to think, "Too fucking bad."

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