Monday, January 30, 2017

Two Fucking Twats Clashing Over Trump

This IS sort of funny.

How much further dumbing down do you want?

The big news of the day is that two cruddy no-talents are clashing over FOREIGN POLICY.

No, it's not Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton pulling each others hair out as they scream about who should be the next Secretary of State, which would also be hilarious, but two black pussies having a verbal catfight on the Internet over Trump banning the Muzzies.

Wow, AZALEA BANKS. How many of HER songs are in your iTunes collection?

Considering what she does for a living, I'm a little surprised that a) she actually cares about anything going on in the real world, and b) that she can express herself without veering completely into Ebonics.

Pretty good. She did start cursing toward the end, and acting ghetto, but the first paragraph was thoughtful.

I think most people ARE concerned with homicidal immigrants flooding into the country.

It's been frustrating that so many high-profile attacks (San Bernadino, Florida, Boston Marathan) have come NOT from wild-eyed immigrants but from supposedly domesticated Muzzies who had jobs, seemed assimilated, and acted as if they were glad to be in America.

So waddya do? Shrug every time they go nuts and take out five, ten, or fifty people? Or shut them down?

Anyone expect our ridiculous GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to screen these maniacs for us? It can't be done. In most cases, the ones who have done all the damage (including the pricks who flew the planes into the WTC towers) would've gotten the green light anyway. The pilots who rammed the WTC towers didn't seem demented. So how do you tell?

Is it better to say NO to ALL of them. Better safe than sorry?

An irony here is that Trump is President, not KING, and at the moment, his order to block the Muzzies is NOT being carried out. Some people in the Justice Department and in Immigration are saying it's unconstitutional, it's illegal, etc. etc. In fact, the acting Attorney General told her staff not to bother. So Trump fired her.

It'll be amusing if he keeps firing each Attorney General, because NONE of them will do something that is clearly contrary to The Constitution.

Rihanna? I didn't even know she wasn't an American citizen.

All I know about her is that song about having an Umbrella-ella-ella.

Rihanna answered back:


Rappers tossing insults back and forth generally have all the subtlety of monkeys hurling shit at each other in the zoo.

This includes the WHITE asshole Eminem.

Azalea did write this, and it's no shit:

"I am 100% shook about open borders and would be reallllllllllllly scared for my self and my family if any parts of that war began to become real on this soil.”

Yo, girl. Correct. How many Muzzies would it take to go berserk and do a LOT of damage on American soil? I mean, a sustained "going out with a blaze of glory" assault? We've got entire cities full of Somali maniacs. We've got "no go zone" areas of the ghetto. There are little areas where every minority from Italians to Orthodox Jews "control" a neighborhood. Who really wants ten or twenty Muzzies to gather inside a Mosque, hand out automatic weapons, and take an entire fucking school hostage, or destroy an entire small town?

Frank Zappa sang "It can't happen HERE..." but he was JOKING. Then again, you think Rihanna has any Zappa stuff in HER collection?

I don't even have a copy of her singing "Umbrella...ella...ella." Which I must admit is catchy. So are bullets fired from an AK47. They can catch about 50 people in under 5 minutes, right?

Remember school? The teacher, after a few idiots acted up, said, "That's it, you ALL are going to be punished..."

Maybe that's what Trump is saying. "You ALL are going to be punished, you Muzzie lunatics."

Who said life was fair? But then again, if the alternative is losing your life entirely because you let in some very nice Muzzies who suddenly went nuts and knocked off a dozen people in San Bernadino for no fucking reason...

That's a lot of innocent gals and fellas-ellas-ellas.

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