Monday, January 30, 2017

In the Midst of Doomsday, Trump Shouts MAY DAY!

Yes, while dour, dough-cheeked Irky Merkel glowers and clucks, PM May is all smiles.

There are SO many news items about Trump (almost as many as there are about the various Kardashians and Jenners) it's hard to pick up on them all.

Toward the bottom of the page, among the articles on Trump's appointments, executive orders, choices to fill his cabinet and the Supreme Court, etc. etc. was a rumbling about May worrying that her citizens might resent her attitude toward The Donald.

Would May actually meet with Trump or not?

Mexico's sleaze bag shouted that he would NOT meet with Trump. Then he changed his mind and had a phone call.

So what would May do?

This WAS at the bottom of the page, since Americans are more concerned with what the Mexican President would do, and who Trump is appointing and his latest decrees.

While May was deciding whether to fly to America, his latest outrage was to sign some sort of paper limiting the number of Syrians the USA would take, and also stating that there would be a freeze on "unfriendly" countries in general.

May wasn't being DENIED the right to fly to America, but the media was more than glad to show all the sad Muzzie faces and drooping burqas, and how a lot of families were lost in bureaucratic snafus, or being turned away at airports. Awwwwww.

It got so bad, at the SAG awards (yet another pat on the back evening for actors) Lily Tomlin stood up and declared Trump was Hitler.

Some film maker from Iran announced that he might not be able to make the OSCARS show because he might not be able to get a flight in. Awww and double awwww.

While May's arrival was a mere footnote, the media was crying and moaning that the Statue of Liberty's message was being pissed on. There were quotes from various leaders (even Republicans) that it was AWFUL that The Donald was doing something so un-American. America welcomes immigrants no matter what!

As it turned out, May did meet with Trump, and they smiled.

And she didn't back down in stating that TERRORISM is a damn important problem!

Trump's a businessman and he's for Brexit. Enough said.

He also stated that he felt Mexico had fucked over America for years, and it was time to bite back. No, it wasn't just that a bunch of obese jabbering idiots have been flooding into the country, causing everyone to learn Spanish, and open more Taco Bell restaurants. Trump was angry that Mexico had a sweet deal that was sending more business South of the Border.

Naturally economists can't really agree on a damn thing. Some insist that Trump is right, and others worry that he's pissing off the Mexicans and we need their good will.

Of more worry, really, is whether Trump will stop being an idiot about Climate Change, and acknowledge that it's real.

Of more worry, really, is whether Trump will stop appointing corrupt corporate bastards who will gut environmental agencies and try to overturn abortion laws.

Of more worry, really, are the many things this over-active 6 year-old can do (in under 10 days he's signed a blizzard of documents) that would make the country so fucked up no immigrant would want to enter.

How about health care? He wants to scuttle Obamacare, for what? Health care is a very complicated issue, involves a fortune, and involves the corrupt Big Pharma companies, and Trump is not going to find it so easy to simply tell millions of people that they can go off and die.

Still, the man worry is that Trump is being mean to Muzzies and Mexicans.

Some theorize that Trump is making America look villainous. Hey, Barry HUSSEIN Obama didn't do much and HOW many ISIS attacks rocked the world? He showed plenty of restraint and WHAT good did it do?

Can anyone be so sure that Trump's tough stance isn't the right one? Let's notice that ISIS has stopped bragging so much. They're laying low? Maybe they're very afraid that Trump might make a deal with Putin, and they both combine bombing forces and blow Syria to bits.

Syria is where ISIS has so many brazen "training camps." Syria is where the smug monkeys hide among the ordinary people, figuring, "Ha ha ho ho hee hee, nobody will bomb buildings that contain innocent people as well as US." Don't be too sure, Habib.

Who the fuck is going to care that much, or for that long, if Aleppo is leveled?

Trump, very logically, complained that we all knew exactly where ISIS was, and O'Bambam refused to send down the missiles. Then, when he said he might authorize an attack...the ISIS bunch quickly disappeared to another city. You can bet, and ISIS can bet, that if intelligence pinpoints where the most obnoxious ISIS leaders are, Trump will bomb the shit out of them, no matter what. That's what war is all about. The bad guys have to know they can't hide among the innocent, just as innocent hostages have to know there will be no bargaining with kidnapping scumbags. Life is not fair.

So, May had a fairly difficult decision to make: to worry about the huge UK Muzzie bunch getting their turbans in a tizzy, or making nice with The Donald. She made the right choice.

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