Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's about Forgiveness...Forgiveness...Forgiveness...Forgiveness...

"And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness,Forgiveness, Forgiveness,Forgiveness,Forgiveness,Forgiveness...."

Oh Lordy Lordy. Oh Jesus. (But not Mohammad). We're hearing a LOT about FORGIVENESS, aren't we?

That nasty redneck brat Dylann Roof? The headline today is..."I forgive you..."

WHAT? This punk made it plain that he has not, and will not, even to save his life, APOLOGIZE.

So da mama of one of his victims forgives him.

WHY? To move on? To show superiority and nobility? Jesus told her to?

There's not enough APOLOGIES in the world? "Down on your knees...YOU SAID SOMETHING WRONG! APOLOGIZE!!!!"

In our whiny politically-correct world, we're all supposed to APOLOGIZE constantly. We've come a long way from Mort and "Is there any group I haven't offended?"

A few assholes at the Golden Globes, of all events, went before the cameras to mewl and whimper and beg FORGIVENESS.

An interviewer flubbed the name of a film, and one of the award winners nattered on a bit too long with his speech. OOOOOH! APOLOGIZE NOW! NOW!

Christ! The fucking Golden Globes was once the place where Ricky Gervais thrived by being a heartless bastard. He did his best work there. Now his cuntryman Hiddle-diddle is effusively apologizing!

Jenna Bush, who parlayed being the son of a moronic President into a career blabbing to celebrities at nitwit events, apologized, too. Oooh ooh, she got the name of a movie wrong. Oooh, a movie starring BLACKS. She mixed up "Hidden Figures" and "Hidden Fences." KILL! YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE, BITCH!

Hey-diddle Hiddle rushed to apologize because a few dimwits on Twitter, with NOTHING BETTER TO DO, grumbled that his acceptance speech was self-serving. PLEASE LORD, PLEASE DON'T LET ME BE MISUNDERSTOOD!!!

Mr. Fluster explained his "nerves" got the better of him.

I hope he gets a thousand angry TWEETS grousing that he tried to come off humble and failed. That his apology wasn't GOOD enough.

As for Jenna-tal Bush, will groveling save her job? Never mind that even PROFESSIONAL people (and she is NOT one of those) go blank on a name. Ed Sullivan was famous for it. She fell back on that famous phrase, "I'm only human." Prove it, show us yer twat.

As for the BIG FORGIVE, this is the time of year when The Big O does his annual PARDON game. He did pardon a turkey on Thanksgiving, but now he's thinking of pardoning that rare bird, Chelsea Dickless Manning. Why? Because this sad freak is now a shivering, helpless female, relying on the kindness of strangers?

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

What next, O'bam-bam, how about easing up on Assange. Wo-manning leaked documents. That's all Wikileaks does. We all ADMIRE Assange and Wikileaks. They steal all the right documents, and invade the privacy of all the right people. That makes it right.

Christ, Wo-manning hasn't even apologized, all SHE has done is whine about how she wants her fashion mags in her cell, and the rest of that nonsense. She hasn't even asked for FORGIVENESS.

What next, O'bam-bam, pardon Manson? He's gonna die soon anyway.

It's one thing for a sibilant bunch of hypocrites in church to recite the prayer about "forgive us our tresssssssspassssssesssssss," but in real life, HAVE SOME DIGNITY. Have some guts. Walk away. Say FUCK AND OFF. Don't forgive jerks who have never even said they were sorry.

At a time when the world is more than uneasy with corrupt Donald Clump, O'bam-bam's liberal pardoning of not just guys doing 10 years for weed, but traitors and even killers, makes some people glad he's LEAVING. If only he could be shown the door before emptying the jails.

Donald Rump is giving important jobs to conservative maniacs and corrupt Exxon officials and a bunch of suck-ups, relatives and cronies, and some of this shit will cost lives. But Wo-manning didn't care about lives, nor does Assange, nor did dozens of idiots O'bam-bam freed. Manning, before he went wo-manning, "was convicted by court-martial in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly three-quarters of a million classified or unclassified but sensitive documents..."

That's a traitor. That's a TRAITOR. That's a weasel. It's only been FOUR FUCKING YEARS! Why pardon this jerk now? Because you know that Wo-manning will definitely NOT be pardoned in the next four? So what.

Here's an unstable devious TRAITOR who probably had a crush on Assange, stealing documents with apparently little concern for the danger it might cause America, or the pleasure it might give to Putin, or the profit it might give to Asssange.

What the FUCK is O'bam-bam thinking, in getting ready to pardon Little Miss Sex Change? What guarantee does he have that this faux-BITCH isn't going to go on the lecture circuit defending Assange? WHY pardon a traitor?

O'Bam-bam explains it on national television:

"And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness,Forgiveness, Forgiveness,Forgiveness,Forgiveness,Forgiveness...."

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