Monday, January 16, 2017

NO Mail for YOU!

Shoot a black guy, and you don't get your packages. You don't get your mail.

HEY YOU! NO mail for YOU!

Consider it Yom Nigga, yo. The crazy Jews (like the crazy Catholics) have a day where they sit around fasting and feeling guilty for their sins. On Martin Luther King day, white people are supposed to feel guilty because a redneck asshole shot King. Feel guilty about slavery and shit you were not part of. Feel badly because a lot of ignorant overbreeding assholes think they're entitled to welfare, food stamps, and damn, everything.

It's a day for blacks to feel justified in watching some of their race riot, and bitch and moan about how they MATTER. And it's a day when SOME people (very FEW) try and gauge where the country is in terms of tolerance.

Most will say (despite a black President for the past 8 years) that the country is still awful. Still racist.

It's racist against people with flat noses and big lips, and not, say, tiny pests with slanty eyes. America, somehow, loves the Asians, right? Maybe it's not love at all. Maybe it's that the Asians, like the Jews, just shut the fuck up and found jobs that nobody else could do as well. They kept their identities but assimilated, without violence. Smart people.

It's a day to insist that white people should LOVE rap music. It's NOT a day to wonder why some blacks refuse to assimilate. Or why so many ethnics in general refuse to assimilate, and insist on speaking their own language, cloaking themselves in their mysterious clothes, and voluntarily live someplace they don't respect.

This COULD be a day to reflect on how so many blacks who lived in DA GHETTO, grew up to be useful people who don't wear their hats backwards, don't talk like idiots, and hold responsible jobs. They had the same disadvantages as their schoolmates and neighbors, but didn't choose crime, or shucking and jiving. Why dat? Why not take a cue from the ones who succeeded, and not pander to the loudmouths who stayed behind with their drugs and prostitution and crime?

Is it just possible that, like their Bubba-Redneck pals, there simply are a lot of overbreeding idiots from loser families, who carry the genes of stupidity and violence? There are a lot of white trash assholes out there, too. Nobody feels sorry for them because they're white. But they carry the same genes of stupidity and violence.

If you want to spin this, spin this as Bullshit Day. It's one day a year where everybody's supposed to be sad, not for a great, flawed man like King (who fucked around). But for his entire race who are discriminated against. Nobody who is black is allowed to make millions playing football; except that asshole who takes a knee when "The Star Spangled Banner" plays. Except white America roots every fucking day for predominantly BLACK football and baseball teams, and almost ALL black basketball teams.

This is a day that encourages people of all races to go on a downer. For a while. Why not. Two weeks ago, everybody was encouraged to take uppers and celebrate THE NEW YEAR. One fucking day doesn't change much. People got sober on New Year's Day. The mail will be delivered tomorrow.

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