Saturday, January 21, 2017

So, John, are you more like Saskia, Shauna or Fat Stupid Lox?

You really do wonder, WHAT is the needy desire that prompts old celebrities to make fools of themselves on Twatter and Farcebook.

They don't have enough fans in the real world who suck up to them?

They aren't content with reading the paper, making a few phone calls, and getting on with what's IMPORTANT with the time they have left?

It's one thing to be an egomaniac and state your opinion every day, as if you matter, but to go that EXTRA step, and ANSWER various idiots, get into arguments with idiots, or tell idiots that you find them funny?

Big John is at it every fucking day. He has a wife. Cats. Some books he might want to read?

He's not an 83 year-old who can't get around without a cane or somebody helping to hold her up. He's mobile. But he's addicted to this stupid shit of spending not a few minutes Tweeting an opinion, but HOURS reading his followers' idiot tweets AND ANSWERING A FEW??

Oof, yes, he singled out THAT fat stupid jerk.

Unfuckingreal. You can imagine the ego boost this FAT STUPID JERK has gotten: "I'm SO famous from my GOOTUBE videos and my MUSIC, Big John re-Tweeted me!"

Lox can now state that he's known to Big John, and has had a "conversation" with him. He'll probably grunt and grimace about it during his next "unwrap the crap" GooTube video, or his next pompous "review" of something or other.

The subject was America's "Million Woman March," which is mostly a protest of Trump, but also a general reminder that issues such as abortion, and equal pay, are NOT yet resolved.

So, Big John actually asked a bunch of obvious lame questions for his followers to answer, like THIS:

LOX responded and Big John re-Tweeted it.

Big John, there's such a thing as a newspaper. You really don't know the point of the March, and have to ask your followers? You have to then be a fucking Piers Morgan provocateur and ask MORE questions JUST to get responses?


And did Lox Tweet anything worth repeating? A coarse, moronic remark about tucking "meat and two veg?" Gee, Darren, YOU may have a pair of vegetables dangling but most men have MEATballs.

Oh yeah, and reference the fucking "silly walks" thing. On that alone, Big John should've ignored him.

Really, Big John, you need people to reference THAT every fucking day of your life?

In Twittering like a giant ostrich, Big John got several more responses to whether a MAN can be part of the Women's march.

A drag queen replied with a photo. Oh, ho ho.


HOW many hours does he spend reading through all the responses he gets?

And he finds THAT response to be a HUGE LAUGH?

Well, I guess, having been in drag in HOW many ZILLION Monty Python sketches, seeing an ugly guy in make-up never gets old, and never stops being HILARIOUS.

(Parenthetically, I'll add that guys in drag SHOULD be considered as offensive to women as guys in Jolson-minstrel make-up are to blacks.)

Big John, what's your problem? Are you Saskia, and figure everybody should read everything you're thinking, whether you're thinking or not? Or are you Shauna, mindful that you should always be accessible to ALL your admirers? Or are you Fat Stupid Lox, and just think there's no end to your cleverness and brilliant opinions?

It seems to me that if you follow these egomaniacs for a week or two, you quickly realize how ordinary, lame and boring they are.

Maybe that's the reality here. They're just like everybody else on social media. They're doing it because they're mediocre, lack the skills to have enough friends in the real world, and are SO hopelessly needy they spend WAY to much time interacting with JERKS.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking of following this Pegg guy.

At least he Tweeted something interesting today.

But, Jesus, Big John, the grimacing egomaniacal LOX. I thought I was NEVER going to see his stupid name or see his ugly face again. UGLY FACE. Yes, if you dare click his account, he's pulling faces. I guess the idea with him, is he's so arrogant, he figures making a face at you is showing how formidable and God-like he is. Another Tyson Fury or something.

Big John, you re-Tweeted him and Christ knows how many idiots took a look at his pudgy profile, figuring, gee, if Big John re-Tweets him, maybe I should follow him...right to fucking Time-waste Oblivion.

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