Saturday, January 21, 2017

"That's my argument! RESTRICT IMMIGRATION!"

You remember that Groucho punchline?

It was in response to some ridiculous remark from Chico.

Back then, it was PC to make fun of immigrants. It was done to shame them into assimilating. Learn to SPEAK ENGLISH, and SPEAK IT CORRECTLY. Is that asking so fucking much?

Every immigrant group, in the days of 78rpm comedy records, vaudeville and both radio and 30's movies, was subjected to the same derision. Stop talking like a Jew, a Scotsman, a Dutchman, an Italian, a Frenchman, a whatever-the-fuck. If you have enough CHARM to make your accent amusing or even attractive (Harry Lauder, Maurice Chevalier, etc.) fine. Otherwise, LOSE IT.

And that goes double for the silly hat.

Ay, atsa fine. Chico played it for laughs. Things are serious now.

And you know whats-a fine? ITALY.

THEY aren't being assholes like Germany or the United States or Great Britain. They're flat out saying "FUCK OFF" to this wave of dirty, greedy immigrant losers.

What, the Italians are racists?

There simply comes a time when you tell the losers of the world to FUCK OFF. Stop procreating. Stop electing assholes who turn around and starve you and send you packing while they promote Putin or some crackpot religion.

As much of a shit as Trump is, in his inaugural address, he vowed to put HIS COUNTRY FIRST. Simple message: America first. That's why he won, despite being a loudmouth with no experience. Americans were tired of watching urine-faced loonies shoot up medical centers, discos and parades, and tired of having to watch cities go bilingual because nobody's controlling the borders. Trump's message? Let's make America great again, and THEN be generous about letting fuck heads come in and wreck everything.

The pig-way of doing things is to foul the sty and then move on. No, how about you CLEAN YOUR STY?

For too long, the pigs would ruin a neighborhood, and be so boorish and filthy, that civilized people just walked out. They sold out their homes, even at a loss, and MOVED.

Eventually there's no place to move to. Italy has found that out.

Italy has NO ROOM for a bunch of babbling religious fanatics and fornicating freaks from another culture. It's not Italy's fault. Italians didn't go around like traffic cops, guiding dirty dicks into stinking slits in some sandbox in the Middle East. They minded their own business. All of a sudden, these sandbox rats come running, because they fouled their own nests? Too fuckin' bad.

This planet IS doomed, but right now the way to slow down the eventual end of the world is to understand climate change, OVERPOPULATION, and that WE are not responsible for YOUR crap.

The Irish came to America because of a fucking famine. Not because of politics.

The Jews were kicked out of every home they had. They weren't welcomed in too many places, and ONLY if they spoke the language and had skills. And if there weren't too many of them.

What's going on now is fuckin' ridiculous, literally. Subhumans who barely know how to do anything but FUCK are FUCKING UP THE PLANET.

The Italians are saying, "Eh...fuhgeddabout it. Giddoutta here!"

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