Aww, isn't that cuuuuuuute. Balloooooooons.
What a sweetie that David Gest was. I mean, for an underhanded, fame-whore cocksucking maggot.
IF I'M BEING HONEST, there are users who play their cards very, very well.
Some blacks will play the race card to fame and fortune. Everyone from Spike Lee to President Obama has done it, either with a sullen sense of entitlement, or "The Audacity of Hope."
Contrary to cynical belief, people LOVE to champion a minority and show how liberal they are. "Look at us, world, we elected a Black President!"
A whole load of guilt has no doubt helped Jews from time to time, and even swayed some Protestants to elect John F. Kennedy as the first Catholic president. The list of card players is huge, and that most certainly includes gays. They've drawn sympathy for being picked on. How many movies and plays have chronicled Oscar Wilde, the poor fool, for his love of Booooozeeeee and his stubborn refusal to play it safe. What a hero.
People love to pretend sympathy for the underdog, especially if that dog has sorrowful eyes, and whimpers. "And I love Puerto Ricans and Negroes, as long as they don't move next door. So love me, love me, love me..."
Right? David Gest was such a character. As long as he was on TV and you didn't have to live with the bastard. Every minority deserves MORE than their fair long as you don't have to smell their cooking or listen to their music. Put it this way: Merkel doesn't have Muslims living in her palace.
Gays have been abused and tormented for being gay, and no decent person would think it's justfied. Some religious fanatic church-going hypocrites, maybe. But even THEY own Liberace records. And so it is that certain laughable and flamboyant fags, or sorrowful Sam Smith-types, play the gay card and get rewarded. And so was the waxy fruit David Gest.
Forget his shrewd Machiavellian manipulations, and how he minced into the world of Michael Molest-a-Kid Jackson, or Shitney Houston or, most infamously, demented Liza Minnelli, who actually married the fag.
Nah, he was a SWEETIE. So adorable. How about how he was swapping spit with some other fag on a reality show? Disgusting? Of course not. David was just being Dayyyyyvid. As Mort Sahl used to say, "If a heterosexual talks about sex, he's awful. But a homosexual can do it because it's his CRAFT." Meaning, David Gest could obnoxiously flame about his fruitiness (as Elton and McKellan and Sam Smith do) and that's ok. It's "courageous." He's here and he's queeeer.
Not only was David Gest obnoxious, he was UGLY, too.
How very fortunate for him, that his pandering, his flamboyance and his shameless and tasteless behavior found a home in England. He was unknown back home; a tiny brown-flecked shit-crust on the underwear of America. At least, until he ridiculously married Minnelli for fame, and was flanked at the wedding by Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor in one of the most chillingly repulsive photos ever taken.
We're talking about a nigger-exploiter, who called attention to himself by hosting "oldies" shows featuring washed up "soul" performers from the 60's and 70's. What did HE know about it? HE knew how to ranch the cows, that's all. He paraded his slaves on stage, gave himself the biggest share of the gate, and was praised for it! Idiot towns like Grimsby couldn't wait to lick his scrotum and giggle with glee that the great Gest would be coming to their craphouse, and bringing along all his brown people to shuck and jive and sing and dance.
In a fair world, a user and abuser like David Gest would've been shunned like a leper.
Fortunately for him, he was living in the mutated 21st Century where "reality show" idiots are heroes, and gruesome little monsters like Honey Boo-Boo are considered cute, and Adele is considered talented, and the Kardashians are considered royalty. Let's be honest: the Kardashians and Jenners get more coverage EVERY DAY than the Royals do. There isn't a fucking day that there isn't a photo of the fabulous Kim or Khloe or Kyle mincing around showing tits and ass or just making cow-eyes into the camera, or trout-pouting with huge shit-lips.
Check the comments of most newspapers, and the idiot sheep go along with it. People are desperate for "stars" to worship, and hype to swallow, and absolutely deformed cretins like Amber Rose and David Gest to elevate onto a toilet pedestal, flushed with admiration and awe.
Here's a bunch of complacent Brit-twits, sipping their cuppa, their nylon panties pulled up tight, and meditating on David Gest, the dedicated follower of fashion, the suck-up pretender, the plastic-faced abuser, the clique-driving dipshit who you can be sure was cruel to anyone he couldn't use.
"His heart was in the right place." HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW, YOU DUMB TEA-SIPPING SIMPLETON? Did you hear his hype-howls about Minnelli? How he humiliated her? Were you around when he was making a shambles of that celebrity "reality" show till he fled, aggravating Angie Bowie, disgusting everyone with his openly aggressive sexuality? Were you negotiating a contract with him to sing "Band of Gold" for the fucking 15,000th time and hoping to get paid enough for a decent hotel and food in a dump like Grimsby?
KEEEEERIST. Idiots hear that somebody croaked and they instantly line up to pout and sob about it, and say inane things like "his heart was in the right place." Yeah, and his dick was in the right place, up somebody's shit-smeared asshole.
Oh, we LOVE to mourn. Let's find a mens room where he picked up rough trade, and leave flowers at the urinals.
This guy was SO good at it, that people actually sympathized with him in the divorce from Minnelli. Now, I don't believe for a minute that Liza isn't a piece of work, a diva, a drunken trainwreck, and somebody who would be easy to live with. But David Gest chose to do it in order to become famous.
He knew what he was getting into (a vagina, at least once in a while!) He used the inevitable divorce to make himself the poor faggot victim of an abusive FEMALE. He was so underhanded and catty, he even insisted that she gave him herpes. (If that's so, he must've passed it on to a hundred men!)
Say something good about the dead. He's dead. GOOD.
There are real, unstereotypical, dignified homosexuals in this world (just as there are decent Muslims). It's one thing to be amused, rather than disgusted, by his antics, and those of other "reality" stars and fools. It's another to sit in a daze mewling about what a loss it is that he's gone, or to blink blandly, and say before going out to walk Muffin the dog, "he seemed like a nice man." He seemed like, acted like and looked like, a TURD.