Thursday, May 12, 2016

Harry walks on the water; Sally walked into the sea

When Harry met Sally....

Oh. He didn't. Not Prince Harry. Not Sally Brampton.

One is wasting the money of British citizens by cavorting to Florida to grin and have photo opportunies. The other is wasting away in her grave.

Interesting contrast in the news today.

Why wasn't Prince Harry visiting the poor and depressed in his nation's charity wards, and promising that they'd get better care? No, no cameras there, and he'd rather be the same show-off bitch is mother was.

The Daily FAIL today ran about two dozen fucking pictures of Red Beard being oh so CUTE. Like this.

Isn't he lovely? He's a PRINCE. He's kissing the hand of some 95 year-old American bag.

Sally Brampton walked into the sea and ended her life. She was 60.

Only 60.

Brampton balanced careers as an editor, writer and novelist. She got fired off one mag for wanting to add more political content and thought that her twat-owning readership MIGHT be interested in more than vanity. She also felt that the models in her mags shouldn't be Twiggy-sticks but more normal (not obese Adele bints, though).

She dealt with depression all during her career. I'd say "battled" but it's hardly a battle, is it? It's more an endurance test. It's not an enemy you fight, as much as ignore, or camouflage so it won't get at you.

She went through three marriages. She wrote about her depression. In a piece written some time ago, she seemed to be winning against this terrible disease...this often baffling evil stew of external triggers and internal chemical imbalance.

There's a lot more, but we can stop there. Her obits and writings are all over the Net.

And Harry's all over the news with his fucking grin and his laughter. He's an ambassador, supposedly.

I don't think so. He's a vain, publicity-seeking load of rusty Brillo. All he's after is a good time, and he finds it wherever people look up to him and treat him like the fucking Pope.

He's not the Pope. He cures nobody. People are happy because they got to see a "PRINCE?" Fuck royalty. Prince Charles and Diana were not exactly the most attractive or intelligent people on Earth, and neither are their spawn.

Harry didn't KILL Sally, but isn't it possible that of the millions and millions spent on The Royals, some funds would've trickled to her instead? That she may have had a better salary as an editor, a better advance on a book, or could've afforded a therapist?

Depression, especially a condition as strong as hers, may have meant that she was doomed, but she MAY have been saved simply by money diverted to hers and others like her, rather than The Royals. And who knows, she may have seen this smirking, fun-loving asshole on the front pages of newspapers and magazines and it could've worsened her symptoms.

It's sad that Sally Brampton died. It's sad that the average British dimwit with a skull full of headcheese waves a flag and cheers when a Royal drives by, and sadder to overhear the twit call "God Save the Queen" or "What a lovely smile" or "I love her dress" or "What a cute child" or "What a symbol of Great Britain" or...

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