Friday, May 13, 2016


What's a Nazi?

A Nazi is someone who won't let a Jew have any rights. And by that definition alone, ANKE GRUDDA is a NAZI.

Germany, where Muslims are welcomed by the thousands, STILL is full if anti-Semites.

This bitch who doesn't look old enough to remember 9/11, is not about to care too much about The Holocaust.

Kind of a cold, sinister looking twat? An old Jew came all the way from America to testify about a Nazi guard, and she would not give him TEN MINUTES.

Gee, shit like this could give Germany a bad name.

Meanwhile Roger Waters would like Israel starved with sanctions or blown off the map by his beloved Palesteeeenians.

What do you think of POLAND and GERMANY, Roger? Lovely places? Loaded with kind, sensitive people? Oh, if you were a Jew in either country in 1939, pal.

And things are not too great for Jews even now.

Bang goes the gavel. No. The old Jew, as helpless in his old age as he was in a prison camp, can NOT speak.

Such is the fear of words? Of Jewish eloquence? Of the truth?

Brutal Grudda the grunting twat from the pig farm managed to find some loophole, some "terms of service," some rule or other to deny FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Sad. Just sad. Can't let someone who came from around the world to have TEN lousy minutes??

As for the ex-Nazi on trial, maybe this decrepit old bastard was "just following orders" and if he didn't, he would've been pushed into an oven too. That's not the point. If he gets off, there are plenty of excuses for it. The point is that Kaufman should've been given a chance to express himself as an eye-witness. How many people were there? Was Grudda concerned that too many witnesses were going to cut into her lunch time?

Consider what this old man saw and suffered through. You don't have to say "I feel sorry for you" much less "I believe you," you just let the man get this off his chest in a public forum after 60 fucking years.


Not for the Jew.


Meanwhile, across the way in wonderful America, a quick adjustment of the moral see-saw (or teeter-totter, or whatever you call that thing in the playground).

Just a reminder that ALL religions are capable of clannish, obnoxious behavior, and that hypocrisy infects even those who claim to be oh-so-pious and observant of the morality in the HOLY BOOK.

Huh? What?

Is Kiryas Joel Billy's crazy Hasidic brother? What's with a community that you can't even come in and deliver a package unless you are garbed a certain way?

Orthodox Jews, like maniacs of every other crackpot religion, know there's safety in numbers. And just like the Mormons in Utah, or the Somali scumbags in Minnesota, the Orthodox Jews managed to organize and create their own no-go-zone in upstate New York. (PS, so have the Muslims, in upstate New York, and so have both Jews and Muslims in other parts of America, including awful-awful New Jersey).

So why are the authorities "invading the privacy" of lovelies who, like Scientologists, simply want their own compound full of their own kind, to do as they please behind closed doors?

Tell us, Paul.

Whatever. No surprise. There are some repulsive Orthodox Jews who can very easily find SOME excuse in some holy book or scroll, to excuse their abusive antics.

There are Orthodox Jews who cheat on their wives with whores (of ANY religion). There are Jews who get very creative in their business dealings, accounting, lawyering, or investing (hello, Bernie Madoff). There have been plenty of cases of Orthodox Jews in upstate, Brooklyn or New Jersey pressuring forced marriages, trying to harass gentiles into selling property, or being a little too clever with charging "extras" on goods or services. At best, you can say that they generally don't kill anyone. But like the fabulous Catholics, they simply figure that their day-to-day chicanery is absolved if they look to the sky and "confess" and ask to be forgiven. How convenient.

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