Tuesday, May 17, 2016

O'Connor is alive, and, well....errr, well...uh...not so well...

First off, let's not slander a fine, fine hotel chain: "The singer was found six miles from Wilmette in a run-down $84-a-night Best Western Hotel in the Chicago suburb of Morton Grove just hours after that police report."

Run-down? $84 a night is fucking EXPENSIVE for a hotel located in the middle of nowhere!

More important: Amid the news reports about how Skinhead was found alive after all, we learned the most appalling truth about this rock singer. She is not on meds, she's ON FARCEBOOK.

Once she was returned to whatever idiot is giving her free room and board, she went right to the Internet to show just how lost she still is. How angry. How impossible. Yeah, we know what mental illness is, and why she's being such a drama queen, but come on.

One minute she's disappeared, the next...she's on FARCEBOOK.

As you'd expect, the anger that turns inward to create depression and suicidal thoughts, can just as easily turn outward. That explains the embarrassing curse-filled screed that only emphasizes how difficult it is to deal with a person who is out of control.

One thing about FARCEBOOK or TWATTER...when somebody is sad or stupid enough to bare everything on social media, all the boring drones in the world LOVE IT. They get a chance to either council a celebrity, laugh at a celebrity, or think the celebrity is going to appreciate their little tip-tap of "hang in there" or "we love you."

And on and on and on, comments and more comments. Sinead would end up a very, very old lady with very, very poor eyesight if she actually READ all that shit.

What you hear so often with celebrities who harm themselves, sometimes fatally, is "He/She COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED!" As in "if only I'd been there. I would've been that friend in need. I'm SUCH a devoted fan!" Except these people require 24/7 attention and turn on the people who try and help. That's part of the tragedy. That's why in so many cases, people just don't answer the phone, don't answer the front door, get on with their lives, and have to do what even AA sloganizes: "Let go and let God."

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