Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fire Foxes - Blacks Char up a Jew Bus

From Grimsby to Brooklyn and back again, chavs and monkeys with nothing better to do...love a good fire.

Mayor Giuliani believed in the "broken windows theory," which is that if you allow abandoned buildings to stand, they will soon be targeted by vandals. The windows will be broken, graffiti will be all over, and ultimately, they will be torched and stand as blackened wreckage.

The real estate values plummet, and nobody wants to rebuild in an area full of animals.

Ah, but little fire foxes and ferrets and monkeys WILL light fires almost anywhere, if they think they can get away with it. What fun to torch a school bus used by Jewish kids.

If this had happened to a school bus used by BLACK children, it would be front page news. The fabulous Rev. Al Sharpton would be hollering. All the solemn "BLACK LIVES MATTER" assholes would be marching up and down. But it happened to a bus used by little, harmless, emaciated funny looking Orthodox Jewish kids.


The black kids can be excused because they're as young as eleven, and they've been educated by their parents that whites in general and Jews in particular are to be hated and bullied whenever possible, since they can be blamed for all the problems the ex-slaves have had since 1865. And don't talk about how whites in general fought to free the slaves, and that Jews in particular helped end desegregation in the South circa 1965.

Crown Heights is a peculiar area where there's an uneasy truce between the fierce, clannish, inbred, homely, peculiar Orthodox Jews and the blacks who began pushing their way in, having turned various nearby neighborhoods like Bensonhurst into slums. As usual, good hardworking blacks have suffered because of some overbreeding families of monsters, and a load of drop-out morons who join gangs, deal drugs, and pick fights.

Moe of the Three Stooges remarked back in the 70's that, yes, he and his brothers grew up in Bensonhurst. It was middle class. "I wouldn't want to go back there NOW." Indeed not. The kind of violence there isn't just a pie in the face. Sad but true, a lot of people fondly remember nice parts of town they grew up in, that are now craphouses. It happens for a variety of reasons, but mostly it's politicians fucking up and not enforcing laws and keeping neighborhoods safe and strong.

For many, there's no way to "go back and take a look at the old neighborhood." You'd be risking your life. At the very least, you'd be depressed to see not a single old store you remembered, and most of the new ones bearing signs in strange languages.

When the black mayor was in office, David Dinkins,there were riots in Crown Heights. Mostly it was blacks looking for any excuse to cause trouble, confident Dinkins would keep the cops away. A big incident was the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum, who had a funny name and a typical repulsive Jewish face. No, there weren't Jews organizing and marching to protest his death. Some Orthodox Jews gathered to protest, and Rosenbaum's brother (a novelty; a burly Jew with an Australian accent) complained to the media. But let's put it this way, Yankel is not the martyr Trayyyyyvon is.

Rosenbaum didn't have a police record and was minding his own fucking business, and not trespassing, selling bootleg cigarettes, or doing other stupid things. He's just a dead Jew almost nobody remembers, and anyone trying to organize a "Jewish Lives Matter" group would get a shrug and a sigh of "don't cause trouble."

So here we have a burned out bus, and a bunch of frightened Jews being reminded yet again that they are, and have been for two thousand years, the Chosen People, chosen to be scapegoats for mindless bullying.

All they can do is sigh as these devilish little black brats skitter around and grin and cause trouble and burn shit. "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do."

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