Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Game of Spam

Who ARE these fuckheads?

What brats, cretins and hackers in faggoty Fawkes masks get these spam e-mail ideas?

Oh, let's send out fake e-mails from AMAZON saying "Your order has been canceled."

Heee-yuk! Then they click a link and it takes them to OUR shit site! Har har!

I saw this stupid fucking thing, gently hit the link, and saw that it wasn't from Amazon at all, of course.

The sad thing is people ARE STUPID.

Dr. Phil of all people, the television therapist, brought out some dumb twat who sent over $50,000 to her Internet "friend," a Nigerian nigga she never met. She explained that the nigga wanted her to send money via Western Union to his friends so they could invest in something or other. So she kept doing it, till her kids begged her to stop being a dumb twat.

Christ, all the money being made on fake boner pills, fake Ray-Ban sunglasses, and plain ol' "send me money, I want some" whining. Just sit back and rake it in. Seems kind of stupid to sit around a "psychic" booth in Blackpool wiping your finger over somebody's palm for a fiverrrrr.

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