Saturday, May 3, 2014

Booking Norwegian Cruise? You'll Risk Your Life on a Boring DEATH TRAP

Who in their right mind takes a cruise for ENTERTAINMENT? The idea is DISGUSTING

You're likely to die. You'll battle diseases brought on by cheap scumbag passengers, non-stop coughing from recycled air, constant diarrhea from bad plumbing, and nausea from the musical entertainment (especially if they've hired a smelly, wood-headed Savage asshole drummer who lives in Fartin-on-Lumber.)

Carnival Cruise and many others have been proven to be deathtraps, and a recent South Korean tragedy at sea shows you what happens when ignorant foreign fuckups leave navigation in the hands of inept tyros.

So Norwegian Cruise? ARE YOU KIDDING? What the fuck do you want to deal with ANYONE or ANYTHING from BORE-WAY? BORE-WAY is one of the most insignificant countries in Scanty Navia, Land of The Brainless Navies. That whole area up there...Bore-Way, Sweatin, Hole-Land and Dent Mark, are all useless countries full of simpleminded peasants who are thieving music downloaders, foul-smelling cheese exporters, and herring perverts who rub fish into their genitals to achieve orgasm.

Norwegian Cruise, knowing that NOBODY wants to sail around the frozen, dull areas around BORE-WAY, recently offered a tour of the waters off the coast of Alaska. Gee, that's ALSO BORING. What do you do, see a sperm whale spit through it's hole into the air once in a while? Typical entertainment for Norwegians, looking for bigger thrills than masturbating with herring.

To try and get some interest in this pathetic scheme, they hired America's phenomenal 80 year-old insult comedienne Joan Rivers for a cruise. They had to know that she'd be offering a lot of tasteless jokes...and that hundreds would try a cruise only for the chance of seeing a comedy legend...not hanging around with autistic mouth-breathers, desperate housewives, droning accountants, and the rest of the backward customers and crew that spent most of their lives on the Island of Lost Souls.

SO what happened? This happened: Rivers made a typically tasteless joke on a chat show...and the Norwegian Rats deserted the ship...taking back their cruise offer.

Which really did nothing but save Joan Rivers from bad food (mostly herring...some with pubes sticking to it), poor living conditions, and the never-ending threat of botulism, plague, and suicide to relieve the relentless boredom.

If you don't know about the 3 women and "Ariel Castro," this was a big story some time ago ("Too Soon?" Rivers might've asked). Cleveland is a shit hole, and most neighborhoods in urban cities are loaded with low class stinking Latino bastards who either have no job, or have one that doesn't tax their feeble lard-filled brains, like sweeping a sidewalk or driving a bus. It's way too easy for a girl to "go missing," and be written off as a run away, an overdosed druggie, or the next Belle Knox, sucking off strangers because it's "empowerment." There are plenty of places in creepy city slums, or in redneck wooded areas, where a jerk like Castro can keep prisoners and have nobody but pig-nosed donkey-brained people wandering around ignoring any screams they might hear.

Castro had a little hobby, which was to abduct stupid girls and chain them in his hovel, where he sexually abused them. But Rivers wasn't making fun of the girls, was she? Of course not. News reports noted that Castro and the girls lived in a hovel, and so she used that to make her joke more vivid, that's all. She could've said her daughter had her living in a pig sty, or a horse trough...but that's not a joke. Naming the most famous dirt-hovel of filthy that any American would recognize...THAT made it a joke. Don't like it? Change the channel. Fer Chrissake, if you see Russell Brand, Ricky Gervais, Joan Rivers, Dice Clay, or some other comic known for bad taste...why are you so fucking offended when you stay around and hear something that puts your frilly nylon knickers into a twist?

The point is, the joke in no way had anything to do with the victims. Castro had them chained and wouldn't let them clean or dust.

Suddenly the Norway Rats discover they booked an edgy comic? Having no morality (Scanty Navia is known for selfish, stupid people), they ripped up Joan's contract and began their hypocritical whining about how they're "family friendly." Castro said the same thing. He thought he had himself a nice family of three sexual stooges to poke and slap as he pleased. Castro's mentality is closer to Norwegian Cruise than Rivers!

So let's just end this with a warning: NEVER BOOK A NORWEGIAN CRUISE...these mismanaging muddle-headed Bore-way bozos can't even figure out how to get a comic on can imagine their inept captain, crew, chefs, stewards, band...and especially the band's drummer. The Savage one who has spent most of his life living in a hovel, jerking off while fucking his arse hole with a drumstick.

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