Monday, May 12, 2014

"You're Giving Us a 'Nigger' Headache"

The line I quote in the header?

It's a mock from the black comedian Paul Mooney, on one of his early, "nigger"-filled CD's. Yeah, like Richard Pryor, the do-rag clad Mooney was one of those guys who used "the N word" constantly, only with Mooney, it seemed he used it even more in front of affluent white audiences...the kind of masochists who'd actually spend $40 and a two drink fucking minimum, just to be abused. The same ones who solemnly will tell you Spike Lee is a genius.

So in the midst of some N-word-filled rant, Mooney mimicked whites being uncomfortable: "Do you HAVE to keep using that word? You're giving us a nigger headache!"

The answer being, yes, I have to, because white people still use it, so I'll throw it in your face over and over. As if Lenny Bruce hadn't done it, and better, 20 years earlier.

And let's not forget Dick Gregory, the soft-spoken genius of racial comedy, who was a true pioneer, and put up with a LOT of shit to pave the way for Pryor and Mooney. Dick titled his autobiography "Nigger," so that "if you call me that, you're promoting my book." The man was too subtle, at least for Pryor and Mooney.

Now WHAT brings all this "nigger" stuff up?

Well first off, a fellow blogger pointed out the absolute OUTRAGE of a BBC disc jockey...some kind of volunteer who produced his own show with his own records...getting booted for accidentally playing an obscure 78 rpm that had a barely decipherable use of "nigger" on it. Fer Chrissake, like he was intending to be racist. You really had to be one sharp-listening prissy asshole to report him for it, and there was ONE who did.

THE FOLLOWING DAY...another fucking outrage. This one from a newspaper website trying to stir up trouble and controversy and outrage by declaring that a tune played on American ice cream RACIST.


In part...

Apparently some chains in the South use "Turkey in the Straw" to gather the rednecks, the black kids, anybody who wants to buy fatty sugar-loaded treats. I've never heard a fucking ice cream truck play that song, but I've heard other obnoxious tunes used to loudly announce ICE CREAM for sale.

So what is the point? That we should never ever EVER play "Turkey in the Straw" EVER again because 100 years ago, there were racist lyrics to a VARIATION of this melody? Hey, maybe we shouldn't play the fucking "Star Spangled Banner" EVER EVER EVER, because it's actually a British drinking song, "The Anacreontic Song," and that song promoted drinking. Oooh! Oooh! And the melody is NOT American! Oooh ooh!

It gets more "PC" and more ridiculous every fucking day, doesn't it? Sure, Nigga this and Nigga that...every rapper goes NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA all the way home. You probably can't walk through a ghetto 'hood without hearing idiots calling each other NIGGA. So because it doesn't have an "ER" but a more ignorant pronunciation, it's OK? What up wid dat, bro?

You're GIVING US A "NIGGER" HEADACHE...all of you, black, white, brown, red, yellow, and BLUE (the guy who got some kind of metal poisoning...)

We don't have enough racial tensions, a fucking idiot has to go screaming about "Turkey in the Straw" having racist origins? Gee, why don't we dig up Agatha Christie and set her fucking skeleton on fire, because her book was originally "Ten Little Niggers" and not "Ten Little Indians."

The bottom line here, is fuck "nigger." Really. So what. Call a black guy a "nigger." Say, "I don't like you, nigger." Saying, "I don't like you, you African-American" is THAT much better? See an Orthodox rabbi walking down the street with his yarmulke. Shout out "Hey, look at the kike." That's so much worse than, "Hey, look at the Jew?" You see some slut on the street and you say, "Oh, what a bint." Or, "Oh what a slut." That's SO much nicer than "Get a load of the cunt?"

As far as I'm concerned, an insult is an insult. There's little grading of it. There are words designed to hurt and abuse. We will never purge this. People will say it in private, or they'll say it even more and louder if the odds are they can get away with it...and bullies usually pick who they call a nigger, cunt or kike. So let's just say, "OK, there are some bad words," and leave it at that. Let's not grade FUCK SHIT PISS NIGGER KIKE CUNT and the rest.

And for fuck's sake, cut it out with looking for trouble and screaming over an innocent use of some historical record, a Jolson clip, a Richard Pryor or Paul Mooney bit, and all the rest of it. Including what lyrics were used 100 years ago for a melody similar to "Turkey in the Straw."

You know what? I really can't figure out why people are constantly causing trouble where there isn't any. It's an ENIGMA.

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