Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gabriel Diaz - the Nutsy Nazi and the "Social Media" Scum Who Love Him

One thing about social opens your eyes.

It lets you know how many sick, obnoxious, STUPID people there are in the world.

Sure, Gabriel Diaz is both sick and stupid...

What disgusts me is not clueless monkey-faced dumbass Diaz, a pile of shit with arms and legs attached.

It's the people in social media...Facebook, Twitter, "comments" sections of Internet newspapers...rushing to his defense.

A majority of them are just Jew-haters...the ones who, amazingly, can not only still scapegoat one religion, but upturn their noses and infuriatingly deny that the holocaust ever happened.

Quite a few are the insane "Freedom of Speech" liberal wimps who somehow, no matter how odious a person is, will embrace him. They do it like priests who kiss lepers. "I'm noble, and even if you hate, and are ignorant, and potentially violent...there, there, there...on principle, I'm on YOUR side...."

"FREEDOM OF SPEECH" seems to attract the inane upper-middle-class drone who is far enough removed from danger to write a letter to the Times saying, "I don't agree with the Nazi agenda, but, sir, I defend their right to say Jews should be killed and The Holocaust never happened! Why, I'm a Jew myself, although I changed my last name, and named my kids Taylor and Tyler and Jason, and live in a gated community where nobody can paint a swastika on my Volkswagen..."

One of the many things that angers me, are pimple-brains who shut their eyes, open their cake holes, and cry "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" over everything. Copyright abuse is "FREEDOM OF SPEECH." Downloading stolen ("shared") music is "FREEDOM OF SPEECH." Shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is "FREEDOM OF SPEECH."

Whatever the problem, it's black and white. It's "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" or it's oppression. Never anything in between.

In this case, Monkey Face is operating a NYC cab. He is representing...not himself...but NYC. Same way Donald Sterling represented the NBA, not himself, even if he made his racist comments at home and not at a Clippers game.

Monkey Face thinks that a Muslim wearing a turban, or a gay wearing a rainbow emblem, is the same as wearing a NAZI armband? What a turd. Muslims don't go around spouting rhetoric about segregation and killing people. That's what the Nazis do. Gays wearing a rainbow emblem do it for pride, and because they've been killed for being gay. They don't suggest killing heterosexuals. Either Diaz doesn't really know what the Swastika is all about...or he's a monkey faced turd. Or both.

Diaz wants to walk around dressed like Hitler, he can do that. He can dress in drag. He can strip naked and skip all the way to San Francisco (nudity being legal there, and quite a few other places). That's "FREEDOM OF SPEECH." But, thankfully, employees of the city, of corporations, of most any type of business, abide by common sense and dress code rules, and you get your ass fired if you start shouting "Nigger!" "Kike!" "I don't like Bitches" and "Hitler was a great guy."

"FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is the last refuge to which the ignorant scoundrel clings. What freedom of speech actually is, is my writing: FUCK YOU DIAZ, YOU DUMB MONKEY-FACED RETARD. I HOPE YOU STEP INTO AN OPEN SEWER AND DIE.

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