Monday, May 26, 2014

Fat Labia-Lip Elliot Rodger WAS Racist: Take a Leek

The other day, I questioned why nobody was talking about how much of a racist Elliot Rodger was.

Finally, you can take a Leek. Cliff Leek is in the sociology department at Stony Brook University and he wrote a piece that says that while it's fashionable to just see "gun nut" or "woman hater" in a case like this...RACE is important factor.

I pointed out that Rodger's target was "blonde shits," and it turns out that buried in his lame-ass self-important "manifesto," is a racist line about how blacks do better with white women than he does.

It's very interesting that this half-breed monster was living with two Asian guys...that he knifed to death. These first murders suggest that he really was killing the Asian side of himself...the side of his mother...and it's obvious this kid had major mommy problems. He identified almost completely with his white father...the successful man who was making a fortune and able to get a new trophy wife so easily.

So in the end, Professor Leek ALMOST gets it right. The lines he quotes about Elliot Rodger and blacks is racist, sure: "how could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me?"

BUT, leaky Professor, the real racism is against white girls, got it? Elliot Rodger didn't really think of himself as a white man....but a little dicked Asian girly boy...somebody who could become a real "Lady Boy" like so many Asian males in Thailand and other Asian nations. So before ultimately turning his rage on himself and performing the ultimate emasculation...suicide...he went after those "blonde shits" he hated and envied and desired in a very racist way.

Wanna play amateur shrink? Then get it right. He called blacks "inferior, ugly," but he called blonde women "blonde shits." And not ONE of the people he killed was black.

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