Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ebay Password Attack: Are We Having FUN Yet? + Pat Sajak, Asshole

Armageddon is coming, kiddies. Oh not just "climate change," which so many don't believe in.

Let's call this..."internet change."

The more we rely on the Internet, the bigger the catastrophe. When it comes, it'll be a lot more than just the spoiled-brat cry of "Don't ruin our FUN."

"Don't ruin our FUN" is what selfish, entitled creeps say when Prince pulls some music off YouTube or a poor "hard working" torrent owner funded by gangsters or Communist thugs gets taken down for a few days.

Ebay is just the latest in a long list of mighty companies that are run by stupid people and dweebs who don't really know EVERYTHING about encryption and security. And if they do, as we see from Dutch douche bags, Croatian cocksuckers and the merrily rolling along Rapidshare and all the rest...persistent pestiness pays off. Just keep at it and you'll unlock a password. Keep fiddling around with new "apps" and toys and you'll find a new hacking tool before there's a "patch" for it.

Then, wheeeee, maybe you'll siphon millions of dollars into a Swiss bank account, or behind the iron curtain of Putinville. Vlad will be so happy if you work a good identity theft scam and get credit card accounts to drain. Down with Capitalist American and British swine!

Every day "Internet change" comes closer, because Farcebook keeps demanding your phone number and every detail about you, and you've recklessly listed all your "friends" there, and Twitter, a blog, a website, Internet keystroke counts,'s so easy to track every fucking thing you do, even if you think Anonymouse is your savior. A few hacks and entire companies have been put into chaos. The frantic "change your password" cry makes as much sense as saying, "The icebergs are melting...put on galoshes."

"We" have created a system easy to corrupt, and "We" have put all our eggs in one basket: The Internet. Many of us live most of our lives in front of our fucking computers and "smart" phones...Netflix not DVDs, Amazon not the real stores they've put out of business, Ebay not thrift shops or boot sales, Fresh Direct instead of going to the supermarket. Credit cards not cash. Why should terrorists cripple the underground or the bus lines when it's more profitable to cripple our economy and paralyze Internet access and drain every bank account?

Imagine Armeggedon where you can't get information because somebody fucked your ISP and knocked it off line, and you go to the ATM and you've got no money in your account, and if you go racing into the street with WiFi you discover your e-mails aren't arriving and your Farcebook page is missing?

Hell, we've seen a taste of this...way too many people have been cyberbullied, for no reason at all, and discovered their Twitter account loaded with insults, or their blog taken over, or some new Farcebook or Blog loaded up with personal photos and details being mocked. By not taking Internet crime seriously...we've opened ourselves up for WORSE.

Years ago I said piracy should be nipped in the bud. Rolling Stone said it, too, when the first assholes began to stink on Blogspot. Huh? Totally fuzzy-sounding blogs giving away music? I remember Rolling Stone saying "this isn't going to last." Music Hut or whatever. But nobody acted. And worse, Internet law was set up to make struggling sites like Amazon and Google and eBay viable. Now? Too late, kiddies. There are still no strong laws against hacking, and America is so pussified by China that they let Chinese bootleg-imports flood the country and run rampant on eBay. Instead of protecting American copyright with all the power possible, it's been, "Oh, let 'em do as they please. It's not hurting us. Too much."

Now it seems to strain all the power of the IFPI, RIAA, FBI, track down anyone, and it's rare when you read that anyone's been sentenced to prison for hacking or piracy or cyberbullying.

Whatever happened to that Brit twit who ran Boxing Guru? We haven't heard a word since his sites went down. Is that really all they did? Block his websites and let him skate? His name and photo NEVER appeared in any news article. Why? Not important enough? Let's not set an example for other would-be pirates?

Even after several reports now of websites being hacked...there's no panic, no outrage, no nothing. The average sheep (the ones who actually open spam e-mails) just shrug about money they lost, or how their e-mail account was used to send maddening spam to all their friends. As long as Netflix is streaming, as long as you can Google some porn, we have our FUN. Please don't ruin our FUN...we trust in your goodness, Mr. Putin, and Mr. Dotcom, and Mr. Rapidshare. And Mr. Zinfuck. And the Swedish meatballs of Pirate Bay...

That leads to THIS piece of idiocy.

Climate change? Bullshit! So says Pat Sajak, the famous quiz show host. He can write the most insane screed, and nobody at Merv Griffin Enterprises is worried the ratings will suffer! Nobody's telling him to shut the fuck up. Because he appeals to middle American morons who watch mindless game shows and don't believe in anything but Burger King and beer.

So many conservatives and Republicans and rednecks and utter assholes simply won't believe that the icecaps are melting and will NOT re-freeze, that the oceans are rising, that pollution is destroying the ocean's fish, that animals are becoming extinct...just believe in Jesus and deny the obvious, child.

Redneck comedian Ray Stevens got millions of hits on YouTube with his anti-global warming song. Shucks, just because it's hot as hell in the summer, and there's been more hurricanes and storms than ever, and entire towns and regions have been destroyed...why worry? It's obviously all a trick by Democrats and President Black Man to siphon money away to build abortion clinics.

Pat Sajak has 52,000 followers, which isn't much by Viley Virus standards but that's a good-sized town. So when he Tweeted about climate change, the media picked up on it. Most laughed. Who's Sajak? But it's just another sign that a vast amount of people are not recycling, not taking climate change seriously, and continuing their fat-headed wasteful ways. They're the ones that don't give a damn if orangutans and tigers are only in some zoos and not in the wild. They don't understand why it's bad to continue to rape the planet by destroying the rain forests and bulldozing any trees that haven't been cut down for Christmas. Let's have more urban sprawl, and kill bears and deer. Let's spend extra money to buy bottled water because the tap water smells.

Sajak of course could care less. One of his latest Tweets: "Sometimes it's fun to poke a stick in a hornets' nest just to hear the buzzing." Ha ha. All he saw was "I'm as famous as I thought. People are talking about me." An ex-DJ and announcer, he was briefly a weatherman (just reading off an idiot card...not a trained meteorologist) and he's been hosting "Wheel of Fortune" for 30 years, and is now 67, a kind of weasel-faced pinhead with dyed hair that's probably been transplanted from his armpit. But if he says it's unpatriotic to talk about climate change, a few million assholes who watch his show will agree, and his Twitter following will, and will grow.

What a cancer...idiots like Sajak and hackers who have found ways to go beyond spamming and Nigerian "send me your money" schemes to do real damage to corporate America and the free world. Ebay's stock took a big dip after today's news. Maybe that's why the company turns its head on all kinds of copyright and trademark abuse and hardly bothers to question its sellers on anything. And so it goes, till it's all gone.

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