Friday, May 23, 2014


Poor bald baby...Putin is upset that Prince Charles likened him to Hitler, and he's growling about it...

Vladimir Putin is without question the dirtiest, scummiest, most evil psycho on the planet. This pointy-nosed homo-esque cocksucker divorced piece of coagulated blini is lucky he doesn't have a bullet in his fucking head. His own people loathe him. The world loathes him.

He is HITLER with no balls, that's all. That's why he goes sticking his finger up Ukraine's ass. That's as much as he dares. HITLER with one ball, systematically invaded every fucking country within reach, and then started World War II to get it all, helped by his Fascist pal Mussolini and his stinky Jap boyfriend Hirohito.

SO? So PUTIN can only manage to ally himself with that fat slanty-eyed midget in North Korea, and uneasily rub up against China. And provide weapons to psycho Muslim bastards in the Middle East. Not quite Hitler, but close enough.

Hitler hated the Jews. Putin is any different? Hitler put the homos in prison with pink triangles on their prison uniforms. Putin wants to kick every homo out of the country and he's enough of a religious fanatic to jail Pussy Riot (ooh, "pussy," something Putin really doesn't like) for singing a few lousy songs in a church. That's Hitleresque.

But why go on? Why bother? We all know that this ugly bald megalomaniac who has a fetish for showing off his nipples, is the Devil on Earth, an intentionally violent and oppressive son of a bitch.

If somebody clawed his dick off and shoved it down his throat and he choked on it, the world would holler HOOOOORAAYYYYY.

Prince Charles, who I don't recall saying anything too interesting or meaningful since he complimented Spike Milligan and even gave a pass to Spike's anti-royal joking, said something about Putin being a bit like Hitler. SO?

Putin got offended? A guy who throws defenseless women into a Gulag of torture and abuse? He's OFFENDED? The Free World is OFFENDED by everything he does. What a hypocrite. What a weasel.

He's pointing to a few mild Nazi incidents in the distant past?

In England Neville Chamberlain didn't wake up to Hitler fast enough, and some stuttering idiot named Edward so busy trying to bone some stupid American bitch that he didn't care if some guy in Germany was causing trouble for Jews. Today we know better, and we know Putin is using Hitler's playbook, and he's been caught at it. Russia is a desperate, despicable country that can't seem to exist without Communism and an iron fist; it has almost zero culture now, almost nothing works over there, and all the people can do is be slaves to Putin or get sent to a Gulag. He rules by fear, just like Hitler did.

So by comparison, Prince Charles is Jesus Christ...Charles hasn't killed anyone...Putin can't say that. Putin was even able to poison a guy who was sitting in an English restaurant sipping tea!

Prince Charles is welcome anywhere, without worry or suspicion. Putin is a dirty weasel, a backbiter, a vicious animal, and saying he's Hitler is actually too much praise. He's a rabid zombie turd...a piece of shit that grew teeth and nipples and a pointy skull...something so vile, loathsome and frightening, it's no surprise he was able to gain control while people ran for cover. KGB...Kocksucking Goddam Bastard...he should just shut his mouth and stop tempting the tolerant nations of the world to shut it for him. He is single-handedly pushing to start World War III and make himself King of the World...that's how stupid he is. Stupid and dangerous...just like Hitler was.

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