Monday, May 26, 2014

Remember smirky cunt-lipped Elliot Rodger...and bootleg the HUNGER GAMES

Bootlegging. Free downloading.

I've raged about the damage it does to struggling artists. doesn't seem to harm the fat cats. Guys like Elliot Rodger's Daddy-pie, an ass-istant director on HUNGER GAMES.

This prick, just another typical California arrogant fop, another raging egomaniac, another self-satisfied insider "in the business," had enough money to give his monster-child a BMW. And indulge his half-breed brat with a free luxury flight to England to watch Katy fucking Perry perform. You know whores like Katy...they make millions by doing "private" parties for fat cats.

Mister Rodger, ass-istant director made enough money to indulge his every whim, which included divorcing his dragon lady wife, and go find a different exotic twat to pump. Heh heh, Mister Rodger, how do you suppose YOUR SON ELLIOT FELT when YOU were hauling around prime pussy and HE wasn't getting any? Take a look at the photo, Mister Rodger. See it now? See how your monster son ain't happy?

Hmm, YOU don't look too happy either, but that's not surprising for a vain, hyper, obnoxious mop-haired asshole like yourself. You're too driven to appreciate anything. Or so it seems. Pardon me, for in the wake of six people dead and others wounded, not caring too much about your feelings. If you have it may have been your defective sperm that produced an autistic time-bomb.


Go ahead. Kick Ass isn't the same as Shoot Blondes.

It seems pretty clear that the producers of shit like THE HUNGER GAMES (and GAME OF THRONES, etc. etc.) have all the money to indulge in sick, badly written, nudity-filled violence-laden garbage. So why pay them?

If these assholes were really suffering, and if piracy was really hurting, they'd scale back on the salaries of overblown goons like Mister Rodger, and he in turn wouldn't be allowing his monster brat to tool around in a BMW, or take selfies of himself smugly drinking champagne and eating gourmet in-flight meals...

Look at that face. No wonder he never got laid. Don't you want to slap that smirk off his face? Glad he's dead. Too bad he took 6 others with him.

What a little prick (he was half Asian...he probably couldn't have fucked the paper strip out of a fortune cookie). As Moms Mabley used to say, "you should speak good of the dead...he's dead. GOOD!"

How about: this tragedy would not have happened if piracy was really destroying the movie business the way it's destroyed books and music? There was too much money given to Mister Rodger, who in turn wasted it on his goon-brat. Maybe if Elliot Creep Rodger had to work a little harder, autism or not, he would've had less time for YouTube and manifesto bullshit, and learned how to get along with people.

The budget for HUNGER GAMES and the profits made send a message...there's not ENOUGH bootlegging and free illegal streaming of shit movies or mindlessly bad "reality" TV shows. Go find KickAss and the rest and do your part. You could be saving a life!

(PS, some of this is humor...but when six innocent people are now rotting corpses...some of it ain't too fuckin' funny).

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