Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Best of Shitney Spears? Rolling Stone Cops Out Again

Frankly, this is why I left the music biz.

After my last gig as "music editor" for a well known magazine, I knew that I had to find something else to do. One main reason...the music was becoming so shitty, it was getting harder and harder to write positive reviews.

For another, I didn't want to interview the assholes I was seeing on MTV. I had nothing to say to them, and asking them questions would've been about as rewarding as asking a 6 year-old "What did you do in school today?"

The above tells you how low it's gotten. I can't fault Rolling Stone too much. They have to print SOMETHING. And they've gone from taste-makers to mere tasters, slurping at whatever's in the Top 10 and going along with the masses. Mmm, good! Mmmm, good!

Years ago, Rolling Stone had the balls to ignore idiot pop tarts like Shitney. They turned their backs on anything they didn't think was "worthy." There were some very favorite progrock groups that we NEVER seemed to see reviewed in Rolling Stone for any reason. There were singer/songwriters ignored in favor of some that sucked Wenner cock, or whatever it took. Remember when Dr. Hook had a hit with "Cover of the Rolling Stone?" Very reluctantly, they put the group on the cover. Dr. Hook wasn't Rolling Stone's kind of music act.

Now they're a sell-out. If it's a crappy rapper, if it's an arena rocker, if it's an oh-so-precious critic's darling (like Jack White), yes. Do they break new talent or even throw in a record review of an unknown? Almost never.

Shitney had one catchy (but still not very good) song...which I only really like in the parody version, "Oops I Farted Again." I also was never too thrilled with her "look," which was on the cheap Barbie side...a bad clone of Farrah, a nothing compared to a more distinctive blond like Stevie Nicks. But what can today's dwindling rock magazines do, but slobber over Viley Virus and KeSha, and low class high-toned Negresses like the fabulous Rihanna and the queen of Pop herself, Beyonce? Gone are the Tina Turner days, gone are the days when Rolling Stone would go out of their way to review Betty Davis (Miles' wife, and not exactly pure "rock"). Nah.

This is why I no longer subscribe to Rolling Stone, why the magazine gets more anorexic with every issue, and why they pimp their website where you can...listen to Shitney music via SPOTIFY while the dumbed down editors over there play the usual "Top 10" list games to get attention.

And aren't we really tired of desperate magazine websites concocting "The Top 10 horror movie scenes you have to see," "The Top 10 Wildest Things Viley Virus Said," and all the rest of that crap? That's what YouTube is for...where guys in mommy's basement who own websites nobody visits make chump change by stealing "The 5 Scariest Scenes from Exorcist Movies" the "10 Grossest Movie Deaths," etc. etc. AD NAUSEUM...

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