Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pandora & Spotify Cheat Songwriters? Watta Surprise

It's some kind of senility factor from the "seniormole" element of music organizations. Facts don't sink in until YEARS have gone by.

Then they wobble to their feet and mutter something about "there ought to be a law..."

Ever hear of the NMPA? Neither have I. They're just another "head up the ass" group, along with ASCAP, RIAA, and the rest of the sour alphabet soup. I guess they're not getting their "fair share," so they've got a "Songwriter Equity" bill they hope won't get stalled by the U.S. government, or killed (like SOPA among others.)

So the NMPA wants their cut from cheap-ass Pandora and Spotify? Fat cats who don't write songs but "administer" rights are going to make sure their share of the pie goes up so they can skim the cream off the top? I wonder how much this NMPA bunch will opposed to the actual songwriters.

We all know the real story here. It's piracy. I've mentioned it time and again. The NMPA isn't asking Congress to toughen laws and penalties. No. The NMPA isn't asking that ISP's be forced to BLOCK pirate websites from Zinfuck to Pirate Gay. No. They're whining that Pandora gets millions of plays on a song and pays a hundred bucks. Well, all that will happen should this law miraculously pass, is that Pandora and the rest will go out of business. Or fudge the books. Or go to Putinville and use bitcoins. Songwriters won't get a dime more.

Assholes who "podcast" or get "clouds" to store their music, will become the new "free radio," and the NMPA will be running like Leinengen (vs the ants), stung from head to toe, flailing around, not being able to do anything about the insects eating it alive. Because the problem is that the Internet is lawless, and ISP's have no ability to block offenders and very few people are arrested or prosecuted for bootlegging.

PS, the music organizations are more the problem than the solution. There are different organizations for recorded piracy, for piracy of non-recorded (bootleg concert) material, and even for recordings or bootlegs used as podcasts. There's no end to stinking "rights" groups that take money from artists and record labels and do nothing but "administer" their own pay checks. Fine, the NMPA is actually asking for a law, but it's only an American law, so it'll be easy to ignore by people in Britain or Japan, much less Putinville!

I always said Pandora & Spotify would be nothing but a cheap rip-off, and that the Seniormole fuck-head know-nothing piece-of-shit shit-for-brains enthusiasts were promoting a dagger thrown into the heart of every artist. How many more times do you need to hear that Pandora & Spotify are BAD for the music business before it sinks in? Tell me, Seniormole. Or better yet, sit on your ugly wrinkled white ass while waving a bottle of wine in a salute to piracy and chicanery, and then sail along on your yellow submarine down the loo, where you belong. Fuck you, Seniormole, in case you don't get the message, and where the FUCK have you been all these years, NMPA?

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