Friday, May 23, 2014

Stupid Chubby Monica Lewinsky the Cocksucker: Just GO AWAY

Isn't that very fortunate for her...

Look at the stupid expression on that cow's face.

Oooh, she's getting her photo taken! She's a STAR!

Monica Lewinsky, the chubby little bitch in the beret who ogled Bill Clinton, turned around and pulled at her thong underwear to get his attention...then had an affair with him and kept a cum-stained dress as BACK.


There's nothing to this story.


She was a vain, selfish, groupie-brained little cocksucker back then...and she's just a media whore now.

She wrote a piece for the appropriately named VANITY Fair magazine, in which...well, who knows. I didn't read it.

People say it's about how she wants to move on with her life, and she's not ashamed, and she's a feminist or whatever...

So here she is, grinning like an imbecile, looking fat as ever, a lure to chubby chasers only...and an embarrassment to the Jews. She will never, EVER live down who she is: The Clinton Cocksucker.

What does she want? To be an aging celebutard? To snail her carcass around until she can hook some stupid guy, or find some starry-eyed feminist idiot to hire her to sit at a desk somewhere?

I sympathize with Monica to the extent that she was shunned by a lot of people, that her crappy handbag design company folded, that most any business would rather NOT have a bad publicity magnet like her around...

But frankly I sympathize more with Monica SELES...who got stabbed in the back by a deranged fan who NEVER went to jail. Monica SELES at least had some talent, and she was traumatized for life by something that she had no control of.

So Monica, Sperm-guzzling Chub...hope you find work that involves your brain, and you DISAPPEAR. FOREVER.

As in GO AWAY. You're boring. PS, nobody wants to hear from Patty Hearst anymore either, or Gennifer Flowers (another Clinton whore). BEAT IT (as in GET LOST, not go give some celebrity a hand job).

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