Monday, June 1, 2015

Media Whore Crazy Bruce Jenner is CAITLYN now

The national NIGHTMARE continues.

First, anus lips Kanye and mule-face Kim have announced she's PREGNANT AGAIN.


Here's Bruce Jenner, leering from 100% rubber lips on the cover of Vanity Fair, proclaiming "her" NEW NAME.

Just as Kanye and Kim give interracial marriage a bad name...

Just as Kris Jenner gives "money-hungry cunt" a bad name...

Just as the Jenner sisters give "stupid bimbo twats" a bad name...

Gruesome Bruce gives "transgender" a bad name.

Consider all the TG's out there (from the late Christine Jorgensen to Chaz Bono) who have presented themselves with dignity, and those (like Wendy Carlos) who have NOT presented themselves at all, but gone about their lives looking like fairly good replicas of the sex they want to be.

Now look (because he/she won't stop hogging the spotlight) Bruised Genitalia.

This is an endorsement for what? Nothing but "watch me, watch me, give me my own TV reality show, put me on the cover of magazines, and forget that I killed a woman with my careless driving..."

Sing it Mr. Costello: "I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW."

You, Jenner, are a grotesque FREAK. I don't know what you THINK you are when you look into a mirror, but the answer is not WOMAN. You are a Frankenstein Monster. You are DEMENTED.

You secretly wanted to be the ballbuster horror-whore your ex-wife IS. YOU have that same hideous grin as Kris Jenner. That's what you want? You cut off your balls and now you want to suck black dick?

There is no worse example of transgender than Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn Jenner, and that includes whatever botched operation walking-wounded there are out there, who might make Charla Nash look good.

This is, in a word, SCARY, is it not? ANY man on the planet want to be in the same room with THIS thing? ANY lesbian?

Ten hours of facial surgery to end up with THAT mug?

And let's remember, this is a photo session, full of retouching. This is AFTER hours of hair and make-up work.

JESUS, look at those horrible fake tits cemented to that chest. And let's not even speculate on what's down below. A dick and shriveled scrotum with no balls? No dick? A tattoo of Kris Jenner's face for a cunt?


If you GO AWAY I wish you luck. If you stay a cinder in the public eye, I wish you a fatal car accident from a driver just as self-involved and twisted as yourself.

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