Thursday, August 11, 2016

Another "ALL CUNT" movie: "Ocean's Eight"

Gee, that's equality, isn't it? A movie that excludes men?

I guess that's the best way to get attention for any film, TV, book or musical project today: HEY, IT'S AN ALL RAP ALL NIGGA BROADWAY SHOW. HEY, LET'S PRETEND THAT HAVING A TWAT MEANS YOU'RE A GREAT GHOSTBUSTER OR CASINO THIEF!!!

Yes, the Lords of the Re-Boot Sale are at it again. And, really, who can't get enough of Sandra Buttock, who has a nose that looks like a pinched doorknob.

Who can't get enough of some Nigga who actually looks pretty tan, like Rihanna. Who can't get enough of a no-talent bitch who resembles Adam Sandler and is named Anne Hathaway? Almost NOBODY likes that fucking Anne Hathaway snotty cunt, but cast her ANYWAY.

However, let's all protest, because this is "Ocean's Eight." The MALE versions were ELEVEN and TWELVE. How come we're short a few stinky slits? Surely there's room for major talents like Muslim Bitch and supermodel Hadiddy Doody, or a freak show Jenner or Kardashian, or bowling ball-headed Amber Rose.

Har har. An ALL GAY show. An ALL ASIAN show. We're all pretty bored with the endless ALL BLACK movies and TV shows but keep those coming, too.

This is what's known as DIVERSITY. Or is it? This is showing how we can all get along. Oh, no, it does not. This is an adorable gimmick that will be done to death in re-boot after re-boot.

Let's have an ALL MILLENNIAL version of "Cocoon," where NOBODY is over 20! Let's have an all-Muslim version of "Fiddler on the Roof." Let's have "OOGA BOOGA ABBA," where instead of a boring cover group made to look like Swedes, they are all proud tiny raisin-headed Somalis with gigantic white teeth distorting the jaw line.

Roger Waters, it's time you retired. "The Wall" would be a lot better with MORGAN FREEMAN. He's got that great voice, and he's just about your age, 89. Oh. Right. We want a younger demographic so that THE KIDS will go see the show. Ah. We'll hire retired and undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather. Like you, he can't sing. But he IS obnoxious and egocentric. Goodbye Roger, and say hello to "BLACK FLOYD."

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