Friday, August 19, 2016

Shauna "inspired" to use Breast Enlargement Cream

Here's adorable Shauna Cuntwell at home in front of her "wishing mirror."

She spent a fortune (not even leaving money to repair her broken microphone) to get this electronic imaging mirror. It can be programmed to display possible cosmetic changes to the face or figure.

Naturally, she played with the knobs, and saw herself with Katy Perry-type tits!

In the accompanying GooTube video (she records everything) she explains why she's bought breast enlargement creams:

“I felt inspired to be artistic/creative and enlarge my breasts because not everyone's breasts are given the chance that they should be given, and that's a given. It seems these days any one without enough education to write "anyone," can be ‘famous.’ Yet, being pretty and stupid is not enough, especially if you're only pretty stupid.

"Big breasted girls get attention, where as others work hard every single day and still get no where. If I need big breasts I will try and get them. If creams don't work, maybe I can inject fat from my manager's Bill's enormous ass cheeks. Or he can him-plant his own man-boobs onto my chest.

"I don’t want big breasts for the fame or for the huge amount of followers. I want it so that I will get thousands of hits on GooTube. That way I can call attention to the genius songs written by Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. God knows they are not well known and need me.

"Most of all, I want to inspire simple minded girls every where to follow their in stinks and Swiftly share their Grande ambitions. If you like older songs you can Cher those too, as long as you help make differ ants in this world. We are all STARS. I keep my twat well shaven, and it is like my native Ireland, cold and wet. I play the piano as well as the famous actor Harold Russell, and my guitar work would have earned me praise from Helen Keller. What more can I say except to quote Marie Antoinette on the gallows: Byeeeeeeee!"

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