Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Caleb Peterson, the Proud Motherfucker

"I fuck my mother, and I'm proud of it!"

You can almost see how this is going to lead to a reality show.

A movie. A GoFundMe campaign for condoms and a dream home.

Just when you thought Mexicans couldn't get more disgusting.

Here's an ugly fat slob of a twat, and she's fucking a thug half her age.

What IS the deal? When they bump very uglies, do they NOT look like a soggy burrito full of shit?

In case you thought there couldn't be any more odious organizations than the NRA or NAMBLA, this pair of turds belongs to an organization called GSA, or something like that. "Genetic Sexual Attraction."

See, fat shaming is ok, and letting Muslims blow everything up is ok, and owning assault rifles is ok, and gay marriage is ok, so what IS the big deal if a mother and son want to fuck? Or a father and daughter?

After all, if gays can be GAY at birth (even if you've never heard a 5 year-old speak with an effeminate whine), then ALL is permitted.

See, it's GENETIC SEXUAL ATTRACTION, a powerful if bogus notion that if you're related to someone, you have to fuck them. You know, like, you're a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa.

So these two repulsivos not only want to have incest laws changed, they want to "go public" to call attention to themselves. Go Fund their legal defense. Make motherfucking legal! Mama wants her bank account to be as fat as her stomach. Any money left over, and she gets a few more tattoos.

This disgusting story echoes a similar one involving a teacher and her student. A white idiot bitch couldn't keep her paws off some ugly overgrown Samoan-type dumbass student. Why not? He was an energetic buck, and almost as ready as a vibrator. Besides, you have to replace the batteries on a vibrator. With a teenager, just give him a few extra glasses of chocolate milk and a plate full of Twinkies and he'll go all night. Wheee!

The story has a happy ending: after the teacher did her time, she went right back to her ugly buck, and they are still together to this day. How romantic.

As the 21st Century continues to deteriorate, the Sexy Mex couple are simply asking, "Why should ANYTHING be forbidden?"

Let's say that they solemnly swear that they will use birth control. In that case, what's so bad? Incest is bad because it leads to malformed babies, right? That's the reason it's bad. Being a motherfucker isn't necessarily forbidden in the Bible or the Koran or the menu at Taco Bell.

What if they also solemnly swear that if Mama gets pregnant, she gets an abortion? Win-Win, right?

I had a gay friend who actually, seriously believed that NAMBLA was a GOOD idea. He was an educated fellow, and yet, his "logic" was this: "Nothing wrong with Man-Boy-Love. Boys are sexually frustrated, and girls don't put out much. So what's wrong with an older man supplying the need?"

What could I say? "You're taking a kid who is heterosexual, and giving him a gay outlet, which is going to screw him up for life." Nah, the answer would be, "Oh, he'll go back to being straight when he's older and can find a willing woman. If he just lies back and closes his eyes he can imagine it's a girl sucking his cock. He'll easily dismiss his earlier gay experiences and won't feel guilty. And really, what's to be guilty about? Being gay isn't a BAD thing."

Yeah. And how old is the "boy?" At what point is the boy too damn young? Who decides THAT? Who is to say that a kid at 12 or 14 is emotionally ready to be seduced by some creepy Glitter man? What determines the age when these games begin? Is it "hey, the kid's got pubes...let's go..." or WHAT?

At what age does a mother have sex with her son? Maybe she starts letting him "practice" on her at 13? Christ, this is like an R. Crumb story I recall. The last panel has the kid grinning and saying to Mom in bed with him, "You're the best Mom a kid could ever have."

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