Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are You Being AMUSED?

Oh, JOY. A bunch of amateurish fuckwits are reviving "Are You Being Served."

It's a one off, everyone. Hurry and watch! Good or bad, you HAVE to see it!

You have to be able to weigh in the next day with a "comment" in the Daily Fail.

Such is the desperation of the "entertainment" world, that the only way to avoid doing a low budget reality show, is to do a "sure thing," like re-hash a past success.

"We'll do well. People are curious, like monkeys. They are also as easily brainwashed as sheep. They also want to be able to yap like parrots and TWEET about it as it's happening."

IF I'M BEING HONEST, I never watched more than a few minutes of this beloved, shitty sitcom.

I didn't see anything too interesting going on. Some bag with blue hair talking about her "pussy?" Christ, anyone remember Mrs. Fawlty or Dame Edna or Margaret Rutherford, fer Chrissake? What was so interesting about THIS slob? Or is it that British women who love ADELE identify with ANYONE dizzy and obese?

The other big deal was a simpering faggot character. Not exactly an original idea. Enough said.

The idea with sitcoms is that after a while, you get used to all the characters, and they become your FRIENDS. You visit them every week. Why, it's almost like having a life.

I find that there's a limit to how many of these imaginary friends I need or want. When I was a lot less jaded than I am now, and when sitcoms were funny, yeah, ok, there were some shows I enjoyed on a regular basis. That hasn't happened in many, many years.

Grave robbing from the days when people were creative, has led to never-ending re-hashes and re-runs. There's always a new Superman or Batman, and the remainder bins are littered with hideous failures like the awful "Avengers" movie that didn't make people forget Rigg and MacNee, the shitty "Prisoner" that wasn't McGoohan, and the various disasters involving "re-booting" everything from The Flintstones to the Beverly Hillbillies.

On American TV this year, weary viewers were treated to an updated "Odd Couple," as if Hollywood didn't understand that this was NOT a good idea after the "all black" odd couple failed and the "all female" version as well.

Sometimes a new version of a beloved movie creates tremendous animosity. I mean, TREMENDOUS.

Leslie Jones, a gruesome black actress, fled Twitter when she got bullied for being one of the stars in the all-female remake of "Ghostbusters." Seems fans of that stupid movie take it SERIOUSLY. I guess they even attend midnight screenings to chant the dialogue.

What could be more moronic than watching "Ghostbusters" over and over, aside from watching 2001 about 2001 times?

Speaking of midnight madness, it seems that the "Rocky Horror Show" assholes are dying out, or becoming too senile and worn out to attend midnight showings anymore. So, time to, yeah, "re-boot" and get a new Frank N. Furter and a new Sweet Transvestite.

In announcing this abomination, they got Tim Curry to attend a press conference and give his blessings. Here's a guy confined to a wheelchair, still suffering from the stroke he had a few years ago, and what IS the point of this? He has so many medical bills he needs bribe money from these producers? "Pssst, tell everyone you're OK with this, and we'll pay you $50,000."

Christ, the stroke seemed to lower one of his eyes.

It's OK, Tim. 70 years-old. We all understand. You need some money. Or, you just want an excuse to let everyone know you're still alive, and mending, and could maybe get some kind of role again.

No matter how nice you are, or pretend to be, it will NOT prevent people from hating the new "Rocky Horror" and raging at how shitty the "re-boot" is.

You can't do much when the finished product is SHIT. Word of mouth got out quickly that "The Avengers" was a bad movie, after all.

Despite promotion from surviving "Ghostbusters" including Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd, poor Leslie Jones STILL got her cunt kicked on TWITTER. That's pretty amazing, considering that on TV and in films, Jones portrays giant bawdy Negresses who act like they can squeeze a white boy's throat like a Pez dispenser. And yet, tamper with the original "Ghostbusters" and people get crazed, and even a gigantic woman can break down like a little girl.

I don't quite get THAT kind of insanity. Just because a bunch of twats re-made "Ghostbusters" takes nothing away from the original? Why attack an actress for taking the money? If Leslie Jones didn't take the role, somebody else would've taken the role. Go Tweet at the producer or director or the movie studio, instead of the cyber bullying bullshit.

Who would be stupid enough to think the original "Ghostbusters" needs vigilantes? Oh. Sure. "Ghostbusters" fans. IF I'M BEING HONEST, I saw that stupid movie ONCE and that was enough. It was ok, but not my idea of a cult item. Even with the catchy theme song (swiped from a Huey Lewis song) I've not been tempted to watch the thing over again.

As for the new "Are You Being Served," I didn't care then, and I care even less now. And thank you to Julian, to Dhani, etc. etc. for not (yet) succumbing to forming "The New Beatles" featuring the offspring of John, George, Paul and Ringo.

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