Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Shauna Cuntwell gets a CASE of Nerves

"I've been so anxious and nervous," Shauna says, "that I've only shaved my twat seven times today."

She's been checking GOOTUBE and noting that her horrible cover versions of Ariana Pipsqueak and Taylor Muff never get the thousands of "hits" they deserve.

It's turned Shauna into a basket case because, as she admits, "I thought I'd be another SHAUNA CASE by now!"

Another who??

Oh. Another dimwit blonde who stands around looking CUTE.

Indeed, Mr. Davies, along with Warhol's "everyone will be famous for 15 minutes," YOU were right on target with YOUR line, "Everybody's in show biz...doesn't matter who you are."

Especially now. If you have a GOOTUBE account, you can figure you're a star. A celebrity. Not just another dickhead named Darren or twat named Shauna.

Here's a CASE who really isn't THAT much of a star...she does some shit or other for an obscure cable channel, and only a few thousand want to hear anything pop from her bubbleheaded mouth. BUT she IS a step higher on the Darwin chain from our dear Shauna Cuntwell.

"I'm stuck," Shauna cries with a stuck-up slap of her palm to her nearly hollow forehead. "I've barely paid to get a song on iTunes, and I've posted hundreds of cover versions that only get a few nice comments. Why am I not yet a GOOTUBE star? Or have my own REALITY SHOW on a cable channel or a streaming Internet website??

Shauna looks at a girl who looks a bit like her, and has the same first name, and has every reason to throw a hissy-fit. This CASE cunt is or was famous for something or other. Isn't it time for Shauna...CUNTWELL??

"Oh, yes, yes," Cuntwell moans, practicing for the day when she has an orgasm, "being famous should happen to MEEEEEEE! Oh, yes! It should happen before I get old (like 23) or before it's my turn for the "BIG BYEEEEEEEEE."

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