Monday, August 1, 2016


A lot of people are smiling today. Creepy NICK DENTON filed for bankruptcy.

Nick is the prick who figured it was funny to GAWK at a "leaked" sex video of Hulk Hogan. Right, and why DID this asshole think he had a legal right to do that?

Oh. Because This is the Internet. This is Entitlement. Here's another obnoxious website that can sneer and jeer and make up its own rules. You know, like the bloggers who post copyrighted material and say "For review purposes" or "Freedom of Speech."

Smiling now, Nick Denton?

There was, is, and always will be a scummy underbelly to the publishing world. I've seen it first hand. There are writers, photographers and publishers who LOVE getting even with their betters by being obnoxious slugs.

I'm no angel, but there were always lines I would not cross. There were companies I wouldn't work for. There were topics that were off limits. Some people at tabloids and at low class mags (and even a few "high class ones") enjoyed an "unhealthy pride" in their rotten work. They gloated over an outright lie. They smirked over an unflattering photo. And, yes, they confided that if they went bankrupt, they'd come right back again, pleased at screwing printers, writers, photographers, proofreaders, etc. etc.

Anyway, this DENTON asshole ran a despicable website that defended itself because it was...GAWKING. Ha ha, we're just staring at the awfulness. Hey, Alec Baldwin is in THIS restaurant RIGHT NOW. Go GAWK at him. Hey, look at the unflattering photos we found. GAWK at them. Here's Hulk Hogan and he doesn't know a sleazy pal of his has pointed a camcorder on him while he's fucking. Har!

Yeah, it's the GAWKER world, no different from Pirate Bay and Assange and so many others. Be hurtful without being truthful. Real nice.

GAWKER no doubt saw how other celebs caved in to an invasion of privacy. Oh well. Pam Anderson caved. Mindy McCready caved. Kim and Paris became famous because of their leaked porn videos. Har har. Surely Hulk Hogan, professional asshole, who spent most of his life hyping and lying and getting suckers to believe in his hokey world of faggoty fake wrestling...surely he'd cave too, and recognize a fellow huckster. NO.

Maybe The Hulkster won't get millions upon millions. Bankruptcy is a refuge to which the scoundrel clings. I've seen it first hand. I've seen cynical, nasty people use it proudly. Hogan won his case and it was about time. People forgot when Carol Burnett beat the Inquirer. It was a wake-up call that having an Internet website doesn't mean you can always say "Freedom of Speech" and "This is News" and make it stick when it STINKS. NICK DENTON is now officially a LOSER.

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