Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fat Cheap Conniving Jew Lou Pearlman Croaks ('N Stync)

A waddling endorsement for antisemitism, LOU PEARLMAN, had THE BIG VERKLEMPT the other day.

The obits all call attention to the obvious fact. A fat-faced ugly businessman with a Jewish name couldn't control his Hebe-Greed and actually got caught and sent to prison.

Aren't Jews supposed to be so clever and crafty they DON'T go to prison? Not these days. Though the "Ponzi scheme" may be Italian in origin, it's the JEWS who have made the headlines with it. Can you name a notorious "Ponzi" artist? Sure. A JEW. Bernie Madoff. And here's another, LOU PEARLMAN.

But PEARLMAN has an even more odious claim to fame. He's a Fagin. He's the rich, immoral Jew bastard making money off British children. Yes, HE is responsible for the success of several BOY BANDS.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, this blog is racist and sexist in EVERY direction. And ONE DIRECTION too, come to think of it. I wish that band a trip to Brazil where, at gunpoint, they're forced to blow each other.

So aside from calling a spade a spade, let's not deny calling a Jew a conniving kike when he happens to be one. You might argue that race or ethnicity has nothing to do with it, DOES. If you're a Jew you have an obligation to counter the stereotype and prove that money isn't your real religion. Fail, and you're a kike.

How thoroughly disgusting IS that photo of LOU with Aaron Carter? Doesn't Carter look like he was forced to suck LOU's dick for a contract? Doesn't Carter look unhappy to the point of wanting to stick a shiv in fat LOU's belly?

Doesn't LOU look like a typical pedophile pig in that picture? No surprise that on Twitter members of his boy bands have said "Mixed emotions...but RIP LOU" and other tepid words of semi-mourning. How can they NOT be glad he's dead? Aside from being so mammothly greedy and corrupt as to swindle old people, he probably was thoroughly unpleasant to these greasy-haired punks and they tolerated him only because of his power.

Right? I could be wrong (to quote Dennis Miller) but based on him being in JAIL, I'd say there's very little on the positive side, compared to more benevolent Jewish music moguls like Lou Adler, David Geffen or Clive Davis (but not necessarily Morris Levy). It's possible to look like a fat low-life uneducated unsophisticated slob and NOT really be one (Harvey Weinstein comes to mind) but PEARLMAN seems to be the real thing.

It's a sad commentary on Judaism when it turns out that Jews, like almost everyone and everything else on the planet, are deteriorating in quality. PEARLMAN was not only a stereotypical greedy Jew bastard, he got caught! Jewish doctors are being replaced by ones from Pakistan and India. Jewish comedians are being replaced by Latinos and Blacks. Jewish bankers are being replaced by Asians. And the new generation of Jews is dumbing down to the point where they get CAUGHT BEING STUPID.

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