Monday, August 15, 2016

What KENYA do with Rapist Monkeys in Uniform?

"Are they grateful? No, they're spiteful and they're hateful..."

So sang Mr. Newman about world affairs.

Bam Bam O'Bummer seems to be mum on the RAPES going on in his Daddy's country of Kenya. We haven't seen much of the Big O beyond his occasional grim grumbles about Trump, his endorsement of Clinton, and oh, more grim grumbles about gun control and terrorism every time some Muslim goes nuts and blows away a bunch of unarmed white people.

Ah, KENYA, so very civilized!

Well, THAT will teach the DO-GOODERS a lesson, won't it?

Maybe it's a GOOD thing, yo.

What the FUCK are AID WORKERS doing in the middle of Africa, trying to bring civilization to the maniacs who brought us AIDS and EBOLA?

Remember when McCartney went to Nigeria and nearly got his fool ass killed?

Nations who tried to colonize THE NATIVES were all eventually told to get out or die. That's gratitude. Maybe it would've been better to just leave the fucking diamonds in the mines, and NOT have lions in the zoo, and let the Dark Continent stay in the dark?

Why didn't we let DARWIN prove his theory and have Africa evolve on its own with machinery, pens, paper, toilet paper, cars, planes and spaghetti?

Instead, fools who would have plenty to do in their own neighborhood, travel halfway around the world to give AID, and they get RAPED.

It's the familiar "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

If we didn't go over there with "humanitarian" supplies and AID, and try to teach these people how to be sanitary, we'd be accused of being...RACIST. And MEAN. Oooh, these rich white people don't care!

Go over there and give the bastards AID, and it's "just drop it off and get the fuck out of here or we'll RAPE YOU."

Oh yes, and drop it off into the hands of the monkey psycho leaders of the country, who will either keep it for themselves, or give it to the poor ONLY in return for SEX.

Meanwhile, the Muzzies are insisting they wouldn't blow up our hospitals, our theaters, our trains and buses and the stations that let us take a train to a bus, IF we just left them alone. Like, "Get out of Syria, and don't bomb Iraq, and let us build weapons of mass destruction."

Shauna Cuntwell says, "Colored people are really bad guyyyyysss. I think they're only interested in raping me and Taylor Swift. I hope to Christ they stay out of Ireland."

She may have a point. She's certainly stupid, but NOT so stupid that she'd go half way around the world to teach writing, guitar, or vocoder to hot-headed loonies who might yank her pants off and try to fuck her instead. "That would be a close shave," Shauna admits. "I might not be able to run fast enough to avoid them. After all, Kenya is noted for long distance runners, and I get exhausted just waving byeeeeee."

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