Friday, August 19, 2016

Hey YOUTUBE, makj me a starj I'm enttittled, dam!

There is no shortage of Cunning Twatties out there (I think that's a pun on Conway Twitty, but I'm not sure).

These Millennial monkettes think that because they have a camcorder and a GOOTUBE account, they should be getting thousands of hits with every tune they drool from their lips.

No, instead of getting hits on what they post, they should be HIT with a post, or at least taken over a knee and given the spanking they deserve. (If she keeps her knickers on, could a five minute spanking be posted to GooTube? I'm sure it would get PLENTY of attention!)

Among Shauna Cuntwell's competition in covering useless tuneless crappy songs by OneRepublic, One Direction, Taylor Grande and Ariana Huffycunt, is THIS clueless no-talent. Get a load of her OWN comment!

Yeah! How can she get ANYWJERE if someone, uploading for FREEEEE, is somehow so dumb she's mis-counting her hits?

How can she get ANYWJERE if they don't promote her DAM video?

How can she get ANYWJERE if she's only getting the same ridiculous few hundred peeps that they all get?

How can she get ANYWJERE when she's in competition with a hundred other shave-pubes who are too fucking lazy to audition for The Voice or Britain's Got Talent?

How can she get ANYWJERE when she's doing the bare minimum of sitting in her room, being indulged by her parents, and not getting any credits singing at the corner bar?

How can she get ANYWJERE unless one of the guyyyyysss leaving her niiiiiiice comments hooks up with her, gets her preggers? Then hubby would be obligated to use some of his take home income to PAY so she can PLAY somewhere. He'll PAY for her to upload to iTunes or Spotify (when the Kickstarter campaign fails) and he'll PAY for ear plugs so he won't hear her shrill whining or her off-key singing as she continues to record over after cover after cover.

Hope that guy has a well paying job, and isn't working at Pleasuredome, closing his eyes and thinking of England while Robin the Lard of the Fruit Sale blows him. Or maybe he's working at Grimsby Fish Dock Enterprises Ltd, looking over the £2.40 per 50kg box auction sales on whole eels and drowned chavs.

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