Wednesday, October 16, 2013



It began 8 or 9 years ago...bloggers attacking people, posting every Beach Boys album, shouting "Music should be free." "Get a new paradigm." "Go sell t-shirts." "Freedom of Speech!" "Copyright is copy WRONG." "We love SPOTIFY." Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee.

The idiots learned to hack, learned to spam, learned to adopt evil names with Devil, Death, Skull, Ayatollah or Mephisto in variations, accompanied of course by infantile avatars that ranged from violent movie scenes to softcore porn.

"Don't let them ruin our fun! Bad behavior became big business, with Pirate Bay and Kim Dotcom's Megaupload. All the so-called "adults," and a surprising amount of retired fuck-heads were talking about "blogging saved my life" and having nothing better to do than put record stores, DVD rental outlets and bookstores out of business. And their spawn?

You're seeing the new generation:

lethal cyberbullying, stupid Tweeting, identity thefts via Facebook, and endless spamming and "spoofing."

But "it's all good," and Google became the new Third Reich.

When you tell the world that "sharing" isn't stealing, and when you make a fortune with websites making banner ad money while showing mutilation, stolen crime scene photos, and every type of porn...who did you think your peer-to-peers were? YOUR KIDS. Your KIDS were watching. And now they're going you one better.

You greedheads defend and adore Assange, and Kim Dotcom, Pirate Bay, Rapidshare, Zippyshare and the rest. You're too fucking lazy to go to an adult bookstore for your porn and hide it somewhere so your kids can't find it. Nah. "It's all good." And your kids are becoming monsters.


Just one example of the rampant Internet-based abuse out there.

What were you doing at age 14? You weren't becoming a sophisticated hacker, you weren't using "social media" to torment classmates for idiot petty reasons, and you weren't eyeballs deep into ROTTEN.COM, and having Google give you the most degrading lessons in porn, and learning to laugh at atrocities and try and go them one better. Ha, a woman gets her face ripped off. Ha, a gang-rape victim. Ha, children mowed down by gunfire. Come on, come on, the little monsters sneer, give us MORE. MORE!

Think about it...the music you used for your dancing or even your drug taking...mild compared to what the kids want now. The movies that scared you when you were a kid make a 14 year old yawn. Sitting quietly and reading a book, or sitting quietly in a movie theater? Not for today's attention-deficit monsters who have to text and be entertained every second...and have the INTERNET at their fingertips at all times. Is their a kid who doesn't have a cellphone, a computer...a world of expensive devices that they use for the most selfish and vicious of reasons?

Children today...are still children physically and emotionally, but they have the most sophisticated adult weapon possible. An Internet Connection.


Christ, remember "Forbidden Planet," a tame, tame sci-fi movie that spoke of "Monsters from the Id?" Kids today don't need to use their imaginations, they just can unleash the id, and watch it grow like cancer and attach itself to every hack, every app, every awful website, every obnoxious pop create something nasty and without any soul or feeling.

You, old timer, you didn't care about the record store owner losing his livelihood? Because you found a forum where some Dutch douche was giving away all the stupid albums you had on vinyl, and dripping tears of joy over having the complete Monkees and Everly Brothers??

Look what your grandchild is up to. That teenager not only doesn't care if a bookstore closes, that child laughs and applauds a YouTube video of the store being demolished. That child doesn't care if somebody loses their store...or his life. It doesn't mean shit. It's all a video game. It's all a movie. Death, torture,

The two girls who bullied and tormented another girl...over nothing...didn't care that she actually killed herself. Not until they were pulled out of class and given a dose of reality...having to sit in a police station WITHOUT the Internet to play with.

Know what's actually worse? The girl who killed herself...had no reality either. She'd seen enough movie suicides, she had so little contact with reality, she had no guidance from her idiot parents (you can imagine what's on THEIR computers) that she figured oh, ok, I'll kill myself, like it's an episode on a TV series. Only the reality is that she's not coming back for another season. She's not a zombie or a vampire like the ones she saw on TV. She is DEAD.

Your grandchild doesn't care. Your grandchild laughs at all suffering, applauds Lady Gaga and Bieber and Miley for their selfishness, wishes they too could be sluts and bullies and surly assholes with bodyguards.

If you read at all...everyone from the Bible and Socrates onward, has complained about the newer generation. The kids aren't as respectful. "Oh ye generation of vipers." But never has this been more true. The evolution...the beyond curmudgeonly griping. It's an epidemic. We see less civility every single day, and more violence, more insanity, more radicalism, more abuses, more torture...and it's not just monkey lunatics in the Middle East or Africa or South's in your back yard, LITERALLY. In your BACK YARD...crazy maniacs, violence, intolerance.

Read up on this latest story...this revolting tale of bullying and a girl committing suicide...and be prepared for much, much worse, because it gets worse every single day. You didn't think it could get worse when a moron shot up people at a shopping mall in Arizona? Then came Colorado and the movie theater. Didn't think THAT could be worse? Then came the slaughter of children in a Connecticut school.

That's how the cancer grows. What can you do about it? Download somebody's music. Somebody's films. Somebody's TV show. Somebody's warez. Somebody's porn. It's all the opiate of the masses, and it'll keep you from the real world, just like the parents of these two awful brats, who shrugged and said, oh, we can't monitor what our darlings text or sext, or where they go on "social media," we...were what, too busy watching downloaded garbage and cheering ZERO PAID?

Why do children this young bully a girl to death? "BECAUSE WE CAN!" Because the parents and even the grandparents...are the role models for it all, defending bad behavior with the most insane and inane excuses imaginable.

If you tally up the good things about the Internet...meeting some like-minded people who aren't vicious...being able to BUY things you were always looking for but could've taken years to hunt up in local stores...getting actual information quickly without always having to spend hours looking through reference books...being able to send photos and documents instantly and getting streaming's a wonder.

Only it's no wonder, human nature being what it is, that it's been the cause of heartache and ruin for just about as many as it's helped. In that way, it's a lot like religion, isn't it? You've got the faithful who heal, and the fanatics who kill.

It's a question of balance. And in that regard, the fucking Internet is suffering from a terminal case of VERTIGO.

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