Friday, October 18, 2013

Spray Paint BANKSY and Send him Home, He's a Pretentious Douchebag

We all know what happens when you give somebody something "FREE." It makes it all right.

As in some seniormole senile asshole telling the world, "Why do these rights owners fling their poo? This lovely Dutchman Hans is giving me free music. I am exposed to artists I'd never have known about." Like The Beach Boys. It also doesn't give royalties to the artists he never knew about. Instead, it puts money into the pockets of Rapidshare or some Kim Dotcom thug, with a free acccount to Hans. And that's ok because Rapidshare and Hans should be rewarded for their "hard work" but not the artist.

And so, speaking of "artists," we have more news about infante terrible "Banksy," who has happily continued to stencil his moronic silhouettes on public property in New York.

It's pissed off Mayor Bloomberg, and also Joe Lohta, one of the two men running to replace him.

Liberal Bill De Blasio, who sticks his two black children in every TV ad, claims not to know anything about the Banksy case. Of course not. Bill is not about to take a stance against, uh, "Freedom of Speech," or do anything that would look conservative or dour. Bill, no kidding, zoomed to the top of the pack and is the favorite to be the new mayor because...he ran ads featuring his black son who sports a huge Afro. True. In the TV ad, the son told the world that his Dad is a cool guy, and instantly, the media ran with it, and the city's large minority population went ape-shit for Bill. Here's a vibrant guy with a tween son! Wowie! He's gonna be a hip mayor, and he'll side with minorities on every issue because he married a black woman and has two black children! Hooray! And PS, ever since, including the night he won the Democratic nomination, either Afroboy or his fashionista Valley-Girl accented idiot sister have been at Bill's side. In fact, it got so disgusting Mayor Bloomberg pretty much said that De Blasio was pandering and playing racial politics. But, I digress...

Here's two NY graffiti artists "defacing" the simple-minded crap BANKSY and his henchmen painted:

That's art? A pair of silhouettes anybody could make? It's shit. It's as garbagey as the spray painted TAGS these two monkeys probably soil buildings with.

Not everyone feels this way. Newspapers have reported that seniormole senile assholes and a lot of witless shits LIKE graffiti, and BANKSY:

"Passer-by Mary Zappulla, 33, of Cobble Hill, lamented the loss of the work...“Why are they taking it away...” she said, pushing daughter Estella, 4 months, in a stroller. “We are lucky to have Banksy in Brooklyn..."

Wah wah wah, "Why are they taking it away," like, "why did the Rolling Stones have the BPI take your links away, Hans, it RUINS OUR being short-sighted selfish and stupid..."

Why, Mary? Because it doesn't belong there. It breaks the law, moron. It encourages others to do worse.

When does it end, Mary? What if another artist puts up a frightening face (like a certain King Crimson album cover) that scares your baby? How about a Swastika or a portrait of Hitler? What part of "don't paint on a public building, it looks better without it" don't you understand, Shit-for-Brains Simpleton?

The latest newspaper report:

"A new Banksy piece appeared on the side of a privately owned building in Williamsburg — which the British guerrilla artist mistakenly identified as Bed-Stuy online — and chaos erupted when a masked vandal defaced it with black spray paint. Building manager José Goya said he pushed the man to the ground to protect the work, a silhouette of two kimono-clad women, shown as though standing atop a sidewalk-level arch that once adorned a coal chute. Goya said he had initially planned to paint over the graffiti, until a swarm of Banksy fans arrived and told him about the artist. “It’s like defending my family. I’m defending this building and this artwork,” Goya said."

Stupid is as stupid does, as taco-brain Goya is a case in point. He looks at this shit, sees that it's vandalism, is going to cover it over...but all it takes is somebody who says Banksy is another Hans, another Assange, another Kim Dotcom, and Dios Mio, yes, a new SAINT is on the planet. OH, excuse me, he's a STAR, this BANKSY, just like Hans and the other bloggers are the equal to Rolling Stone reviewers or Dick Clark.

What assholes like Roach-Face Goya and Rat-Cunt Zappulla don't understand, is that defacing public property is just fucking wrong, same as stealing music is just fucking wrong. NO excuse for it. NONE. Where does it stop? Is the Empire State Building off limits? How about the Statue of Liberty?

It was the same deal with piracy. "Oh, one song at 128 kb is ok." Then it became an album that was out of print. Then every new release and box set. Has the world gone mad? (YES). What happened to respect? What happened to the notion that what is not yours should not be defaced out of selfishness? Why is it that BANKSY's conceit as an "artist" trumps the builder who did NOT think spray paint was needed on his apartment complex? Everybody's entitled to do anything they please, no matter who the actual owner is? Some weasel who wants to make a name for himself is being rewarded for bad behavior, that's the bottom line. And he should have a quart of paint shot up his behind and sent on a slow, slow boat back to England. Seeing a slow stream of black paint dribbling out of his ass into the ocean water for a few thousand miles...THAT is performance art. Isn't it? If BANKSY is all for calling attention to himself by spray painting buildings, and calling it art, then I'm all for shoving a quart of paint up his fucking ass and calling it performance art.

And by the way, beating your fucking head in, Banksy, I'd call "sport." Just because it might not be licensed by the MMA, UFC or the WBA, fuck that. Who needs an establishment, or rules, or a referee? I'll call it "sport." And you can call an ambulance.

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