Saturday, June 13, 2015

Black Like Who?

At one time in America, it was almost mandatory to read "Black Like Me."

It was the story of a guy who shaved his head, used drugs to tint his skin, and went South to observe the reaction he'd get among whites there.

He had never encountered such hate, rage and disgust. And that was from people who thought he was just a Northern bald white guy with a bad tan. Those who thought he was a Southern Negro were even nastier. Which was most of them, because Southerners are so stupid, they can't tell a real Negro from an obviously fake one.

It was a good book, by the way. And the poor guy, who had his own problems (including failing eyesight) was forever the target of white-hot hatred wherever he went. Even when he went back to being white, he was a Nigger of the World.

Some years later, a white bitch wrote a similar book, trying to show that things were even worse for black women. Nobody cared, mostly because she was a copy-cunt who wasn't even a good writer.

Fast forward to THIS farcical story in the news.

Even in this Kardashian world (where white women date nothing but blacks) and the PC environment where you almost never hear the term "Nigger lover" hurled at white Liberals who simply hire a black maid, THIS story was a bit much. ALMOST.

Once this bitch got away from her parents, she braided up her hair (and dyed it black, which you don't see in the Daily Fail's photo), kept up her tan, and "passed," to the point where she ended up a leader at the fucking NAACP. The parents found out and blew the whistle.

A reporter shoved his dick-like microphone in her face and said, "Were your parents really white?" She replied, "I-I- I don't understand the question."

What do you suppose would happen next? Would blacks riot and break windows and steal TV's because a white bitch was taking a job at the NAACP? That she had the NERVE to make money by playing the race card in such a sick way? That she showed a photo of an old black guy and told people this was her real father?

The reaction has been...nothing. Nothing but peculiar praise from the NAACP. They have no plans of firing this lying psycho bitch. They're flattered she identifies as black.

Caitlyn Jenner "identifies" as a woman, even with a dick. So she's a woman. Transvestites "identifying" as women are allowed to use the ladies room.

So if this white woman wants to pretend she's black, the NAACP has no problem with it.

Hey, I "identify" as 6 years old. Let me into museums free. I "identify" as 65. Let me into a baseball game or on a bus with a "senior discount."

Hey, I "identify" as a TSA officer, so let me strip search you, babe.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, it's ALL good...for stupid people, criminals and liars.

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